
Imperial Reform1763-1765

I. Legacy of War

-major disputes


-military appointments

-policy objectives

-Weak Royal Governors

-Strict enforcement of Navigation Acts-Revenue Act

-Peacetime Army

II. Mythmaking-American Revolution

-Imposed Church of England

-Prevented us from making finished goods

III. State of Colonies


-Upper South


-Middle(NY &Philly)

-Lower South

-West Indies

IV. Taxes

-Custom duties (External &indirect)

-Real estate-internal and direct (with consent)

-excise (sales tax)

V. Sugar Act

-Currency Act (1764)

-Grenville-Sugar Act (1764)

-John Hancock

IV. Stamp Act

-Admiralty Courts

-Ben Franklin

-Virtual representation

-Quartering Acts

V. Dynamics of Rebellion (1765-1766)


-Stamp Act Congress

-John Dickinson “Letters from a farmer in Pennsylvania”

-Patrick Henry

-Dulany “Considerations”

-Samuel Adams “Sons of Liberty”

VI. Parliament Compromises

-Repeal of Stamp Act


-merchants complaining

-Drunk people & mobs

-Conflict and Compromise

-Declaratory Act of 1766

VII. Ideological Roots of Resistance


-English common law


-English Whig tradition

War and Independence

I. Toward Independence

-2nd Continental Congress and Civil War

-Ft. Ticonderoga-Green Mountain Boys (Ethan Allen) May 1775

-Olive Branch Petition

-Declaration of the Causes and Necessities

-George Washington-head of Continental Army

-Breed’s Hill and Bunker Hill June 1775

-Proclamation of Suppressing Rebellion and Sedition


-Prohibitionary Act


II. Common Sense

-Artisans and laborers


-Thomas Paine-independence and republicanism

III. Independence declared

-Lee Resolutions

-Declaration of Independence (vote July 2)

-July 4, 1776

War and Conflict 1776-1778

I. War in the North

A. Strategy

1. Britain

2. Colonies

B. Myths of the War

C. Militia

D. New York

E. Trenton-Princeton

F. Campaign of 1777

1. British plan-

2. Daniel Morgan

3. Battle of Bennington-Bemis Heights

4. Saratoga

5. Brandywine and Germantown

G. Plan of conciliation

H. Treaty of Alliance

War and Conflict 1778-1783

I. Social and financial perils

A. How to pay for War

B. How to Supply

C. Valley Forge-Frederick Von Steuban

D. Battle of Monmouth Court House

II. War in the South

A. Strategies in South

1. Patriots

2. Empire Strikes Back

B. Savannah and Charleston

1. Howe/ Tarleton’s Legion

2. Battle of Waxhaws-Tarleton’s quarter

C. Battle of Camden

D. Nathaniel Greene

E. Battle of <뫼ţ>Kings Mountain

F. Battle of Cowpens-Guilford Court House

G. Battle of <뫼ţ>Yorktown

H. Treaty of Paris 1783

III. Post-War problems

A. Loyalist exodus

B. Slavery

C. Religion