Review Sheet


Review Sheet 1920’s

1920s Unit Map


18th Amendment 21st Amendment Bootleggers

Charles Lindbergh installment plan Assembly line

Speakeasies Scopes Monkey Trial Great migration

Flappers Palmer raids Prohibition

National origins act (1924) fundamentalist bootleggers

Sacco and Vanzetti Communism Volstead Act

Amelia Earhart Emergency Quota Act (1921)

Nativism Andrew Mellon

Al Capone Teapot Dome

Short Answer

1. How did the family change in the twenties?

2. How did Henry Ford attempt to keep workers from quitting their jobs or joining unions?

Essay: answer one of the two essays on the back in paragraph form. (Minimum 2 Paragraphs)

1. Explain the causes for the growth of prosperity in the twenties.

2. Describe the changes in women’s lives in the 1920’s. How was prohibition responsible for some of the changes?