
WSSC is still accepting written testimony on the CIP through Sept 14th at budgetgroup@wsscwater.com.

At the September 16th WSSC Commission meeting, staff will summarize CIP testimony for the commissioners and there will be a vote to transmit the CIP to the Counties.

Per Maryland Law (Public Utilites Article 23-304 b & c), the County Executives have an opportunity to weigh in on WSSC's CIP. Consider contacting them to make them aware of your concerns.

In February, there will likely be a worksession by the Montgomery County Council's T&E committee to review WSSC's CIP. (there may be a similar meeting around this time for TIE, the corresponding Prince George's council committee).

In the spring, the County Council's will have CIP public hearings. This is another opportunity for members of the public to comment on WSSC's proposed CIP (23-305).

Finally, the County Councils will meet jointly in May to approve WSSC's CIP and operating budget. And WSSC will approve the CIP in June.

Al Carr, Maryland House of Delegates, representing Maryland's District 18