
Montgomery County

Montgomery County council caved into industry pressure. Ignore citizens to the maximum extent possible. Passed
ZTA 19-07 -- Sidney Katz & Will Jawando voted against.
ZTA 22-01 -- Sidney Katz voted against ZTA 22-01. Tom Hucker abstained.

Testimony Presented on behalf of County Executive Marc Elrich

Maryland legislators

The effort to overrule local legislators authority has faded and never gained much traction.

House of Delegates.

US Congress

24 member of congress "write to urge the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to delay its June 9 vote on the Declaratory Ruling and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (Declaratory Ruling) in Docket 19-250


House BIll, HR 6488, will undo last years historic ruling that vacated the FCC’s decision to do away with NEPA review of small cell deployments. Representative John Shimkus of Illinois introduced the bill which has now been referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and in addition to the Committee on Natural Resources.


House BIll, HR 530 — 116th Congress (2019-2020) Accelerating Broadband Development by Empowering Local Communities Act of 2019. Sponsor: Rep. Eshoo, Anna G. [D-CA-18] (Introduced 01/14/2019). This bill nullifies rules issued by the Federal Communications Commission that revoke state and local authority to regulate telecommunications equipment deployment.
Related Senate is S.2012 Restoring Local Control Over Public Infrastructure Act of 2019
Neither House nor Senate bill were seiously considered in committee.

S. 893, the “Secure 5G and Beyond Act of 2020,” which requires the President to develop a strategy to: (1) ensure the security of next generation mobile telecommunications systems and infrastructure in the United States; and (2) assist allies and strategic partners in maximizing the security of next generation mobile telecommunications systems and infrastructure. became law

S. 1822, the “‘Broadband Deployment Accuracy and Technological Availability Act or the ‘‘Broadband DATA Act," which requires the Federal Communications Commission to issue rules relating to the collection of data with respect to the availability of broadband services.