Protective Zoning

Zone to gain maximum protection from cell towers.


Bans cell towers in rights-of-way. Requires under-grounding of ancillary electronic boxes's MODEL WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS ORDINANCE for Siting of "Small Cell" Telecommunication Infrastructure

short summary of key provisions of 5G Crisis model zoning code

Model Wireless Ordinance for Siting of 5G Small Cells

Next section is taken from 5G Crisis: A Project of Americans for Responsible Technology

Our sample small cell code contains may new provisions that can help protect communities from the uncontrolled proliferation of small cell antennas, including:

      • A requirement to demonstrate why non-residential areas are not suitable for antenna placement

      • Certification that the proposed small cell installations address a significant "gap" in service that cannot be otherwise addressed

      • Certification that the applicant (or the third party telecom on whose behalf the antenna is being installed) possess liability insurance without an exclusion for personal injury from exposure to microwave radiation

      • Notification of all property owners within 500 feet of the proposed installation, and a requirement for the posting of a conspicuous bright orange sign notifying residents of the proposed installation

      • Full compliance with NEPA requirements

      • All permit applications must be made available for public inspection

CALABASAS, CALIFORNIA (addresses a gap in service)

SHELBURNE, MASSACHUSETTS (1,500-foot setbacks)

WESTERN SPRINGS, ILLINOIS (extensive design requirements, setbacks, and more!)

MILL VALLEY, CALIFORNIA (distance between antennas, performance bond requirements, RF testing, and more!) (click "Title 20 Zoning" --> click "Chapter 20.73 Wireless Telecommunications Facilities" -->click "Show All" at the top of the page to view the full code)