Tower Committee

Letter to Tower Committee

  1. "Why Did 25 Wireless Applications with Errors Pass MoCo Tower Committee Review?"

  2. prior version "Why Did 25 Wireless Applications with Errors Pass MoCo Tower Committee Review?"


  1. Photos of misplace cell phone and cell towers less than 30" feet from apartment buildings


  3. cell towers are built but not in the County database

  4. (2 in TP)

  5. application has nothing about insurance

  6. (use Josh del Sol's sample application)

  7. no mailing list for people who want to be notified of applications, hearings, and Commission meetings

  8. (undue burden to expect citizens to log on and check a website every day.

  9. applicant should be required to send out certified mail. )

  10. rubber stamp of applications

    1. (average (?) meeting takes 5 minutes total for multiple applications - no true inquiry)

  11. not transparent - very hard to get accurate, timely information overall throughout the application and construction procedure

  12. cell tower installations are violating federal safety standards in Montgomery County, complete failure of the regulatory process

  13. (TP low income apartment building measured emitting 20 times higher than the bad FCC standards)

  14. towers are put up for County use, then the County leases parts of the structure for commercial use

  15. (we don't know if these additional uses have individual applications or if the total radiation levels are

  16. summed up and reviewed; and don't think the original process included the possibility of

  17. later added radiation)

  18. county doesn't verify installations follow the approved applications, or safety standards, or anything

  19. (is there even a single paid inspector?)

  20. county doesn't make telecom companies correct clear well-documented mistakes in construction sites over the course of several years

  21. (Potomac, on Brickyard - cell tower built in wrong place, not as approved, she has testified

  22. multiple times, complained, no action, no fees, no remediation, no damages - basically no enforcement

  23. of regulations period