Wireless -- Rebuttals

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Rebuts Psychology Today article “Tin Foil Hats: Tired Trope or Sign of the Times?” by Joe Pierre.

I As documented in the Commission’s final report, the strong consensus of the commission was that wireless radiation exposure poses a significant threat to human health, which include, but are not limited to, the risk of neuropsychiatric effects. Examples of neuropsychiatric effects triggered by radiofrequency-electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) exposure are seizures, cognitive impairment, attention deficit disorder, migraine, and may include emotional disturbances such as anxiety and depression. Exposure to RF-EMF may include sperm damage, oxidative stress, DNA damage and cancer.

by Kent Chamberlin, PhD

Rebuts Psychology Today article “Tin Foil Hats: Tired Trope or Sign of the Times?” by Joe Pierre.

My objection, in addition to name calling–which is a form of bullying–is based on science as I have been working with people who have an intolerance to electromagnetic frequencies for decades. We have also done studies with plants and, presumably, their response isn’t psychosomatic either.

Magda Havas, B.Sc., Ph.D.

5G: The Trouble With the New Phone Network