Protect Yourself

(1) Safer Cell Phone Usage

Wired Ethernet

Attach your phone to your computer's internet connection via your usb charging cable.

Attach your mobile device with an ethernet cable via an adapter

iPhone & iPad


Safety tips for Cell Phone Usage

(2) Signal blocking

For people who do not want 5G signals in their homes, add a window treatment - 1215

“It’s really hard to get [millimeter-wave] signals to travel through windows that are coated with material that reflects UV light (and most new homes and offices require this kind of coating in order to lower cooling costs).”

This article describes how the window treatments block cellular signals.

(3) Protection Products

You can buy protection products.

(4) Create your personal escape plan

It’s quite clear that governments aren’t rushing to protect your health and well-being. So take matters into your own hands and limit your exposure to EMFs and wireless technology as much as you reasonably can.

Realize that it’s just about impossible to reduce your exposure to zero, even if you live in the middle of nowhere.

But you can still take steps to cut your exposure. Here are the best practical suggestions I know of:

    • Turn off your Wi-Fi at night (and any other time you’re not using it).

    • Better yet, switch back to wired Internet. Wireless routers generate extremely high levels of RF radiation. Be sure you also turn off the wireless setting on your computer and phone to override default Wi-Fi settings.

    • Never carry your cell phone on your body. Keep it in airplane mode except when making or expecting to receive calls.

    • If you must have your cell phone on at work, set it as far from you as possible.

    • When talking, use the speaker and hold the phone as far away as possible. If you’re the one in 1,000 who actually reads your cell phone’s owner’s manual, you know that even cell phone manufacturers advise against holding the phone to your head. They recommend a distance of 1/5 to 3/5 inch away (which is probably still way too close).10

    • Keep all electronic devices out of your bedroom. Replace digital alarm clocks with battery-operated ones.

    • Don’t use your laptop on your lap – despite the name. Or put a book or other large object between your lap and the device.

    • Limit time on electronic devices. Unplug, go outside, read a book, visit friends, cook a homemade meal.

    • Moving might not be an option, but the next time you consider it, learn how close the nearest cell towers and power lines are by consulting Aim to be at least two miles away.

    • Guard your kids. The Journal of Microscopy and Ultrastructure notes that children and fetuses are at much higher risk than adults.11 So please, don’t let your children play with your cell phone. Minimize your use when pregnant. And never let your kids sleep with devices.

    • Turn off power to your bedroom at the circuit breaker at night. The wiring inside your walls generates magnetic and electrical radiation that impairs melatonin production, disrupting your sleep. This in turn heightens your risk of many health problems, since sleep is critical to rejuvenating your cells.

    • Stand at least 15 feet away from your microwave when using it. Or get rid of it altogether. Your food will be tastier and more nutritious.

    • See if your power company will replace your Smart Meter with an analog one. If not, sleep in the bedroom farthest from it. Or shield the meter with a Smart Meter Shield™, which reduces the radiation emitting into your home.

    • Never talk on your cell phone in your car, where RF waves bounce off of metal – with or without Bluetooth. The same applies to airplanes (before takeoff and after landing).
