
Closing the Digital Divide for Low-Income and Special-Needs Residents: Main Street Connect

Study finds: people couldn't care less about 5G

How deep is 5G fake news?

A letter to Greta Thunberg: 5G’s costs, benefits and myths



If we are serious about climate change, Maryland must transition away from wireless technology which consumes 10x more energy than the safer, sustainable solution of running signal through high speed cable, upgraded copper lines, or high speed fiber-optics to and through the premises -- not through wireless smart meters on properties or small cells at the curb.

A Greenpeace analyst examined wireless consumption, and noted if the wireless industry were a country, it would be the
fifth or sixth largest consumer of energy in the world.

Engineers can readily develop safe, sustainable, energy-efficient technology but it is up to our legislatures to require it.

If the County Council truly represents us, then they should be informing the community that a cell tower is coming 30 feet from our homes. Also, if the Council was truly committed to equity, they would look at ZTA 19-07 through the lens of the Racial Equity & Social Justice Act, bill 27-19 Sponsored by Councilmember Nancy Navarro and Cosponsored by all Councilmembers. Why is the Council avoiding this analysis?

The system has been operating since March of this year. The new system will provide greater reliability, security and interoperability to best serve the first responders and more than one million residents.

Opinion: Cell tower debate was illuminating window into local legislation, leadership:

As county commits to 5G expansion, some lessons on how people in power operate

Related court decisions
Case rejected by US Supreme Cort

Santa Fe Alliance for Public Health and Safety; Arthur Firstenberg; Monika Steinhoff https://www.ca10.uscourts.gov/sites/ca10/files/opinions/010110500907.pdf

Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit

T-Mobile Northeast LLC v. City of Newport News

We write to you[, President Biden,] as scientists deeply committed to protecting public health and the environment and as authors of several hundred publications, including some prepared for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. We are writing to urge you to take immediate actions to reduce and restrict the rapid and continuing increase in our schools, workplaces, and homes of a harmful environmental pollutant — wireless microwave radiofrequency radiation (RFR). https://ehtrust.org/wp-content/uploads/Letter-to-Biden-on-Infrastructure_-FCC-Environmental-Health-Trust-.pdf

EHTrust announcement for press conference on August 16, 2021, Washington, D.C

Doctors and Scientists Call For Protective Policy After Historic Court Ruling on Wireless Radiation

Congrats to Dalton Gardens, Idaho! A bad wireless ordinance was defeated with a strong showing of support. You can find out more information here:

EWG Study on US Safety Limits on Wireless

