📬 No to AMI MoCo
This suggested email was written by Maryland Aware:
Did you know Montgomery County Council is about to approve a WSSC Water rate increase of at least 6.6%? Yes, with our financial struggles, they want you to pay more for water!
For those who are short on time, it takes less than 5 minutes to email your testimony. Get 5 of your friends to do the same. Pass this on before Sunday, October 11th.
Here's a TESTIMONY IDEA -- it's as easy as copy, paste, send!
Subject line: I Oppose WSSC Water's Rate Increase for the FY22 Budget
Body: Montgomery County Council would be remiss to believe that continuing to increase rates will resolve WSSC’s current and historic financial problems. The continued practice of luxurious, needless spending (i.e. rebranding) conjunctive with poor investments on projects -- whose return on investments is less than the cost of capital (i.e. AMI) -- has been excused by Council's repeated approval of annual rate increases. Worse, this mismanagement of funds is at the expense of your constituents. “Over the past decade, WSSCWater’s residential annual bill increases have been significantly higher to cover WSSCWater’s substantial ramp-up of its capital program”. Now, in the midst of a global pandemic, while utilities have become less affordable, you need to support us and wise practices. Let WSSC know it’s time to stop misusing our money. Do not approve any annual rate increase above the rate of inflation for WSSC’s FY22 budget.
[your name]
[your address]
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Let WSSC Commissioners, Montgomery County officials and Prince George's officials know your views:
Names and Email Addresses