Protect Your Neighborhood 

Fox 5 survey would you like a cell tower near your home?

No!  --  76% of respondent are against

Our 12 Fact Sheets refute wireless industry's sales claims. Topics include:

Children, Climate, Environment, Health, Property values  and Security


Cell tower companies are proposing to install thousands of new cell towers in residential neighbor-hoods of Montgomery County, Maryland and make significant modifications to existing street lights.


These towers would be:


No "small" cell towers (DAS) placed in neighborhoods with underground utilities. What's hard to understand? "All underground utilities" means no above-ground cell towers.

Fiber optic is already in place in many areas. It has no health risks, and the service is documented to be much faster, cheaper, more energy efficient while providing more reliable data integrity and protecting privacy. Wired internet also remains subject to local regulatory control.

To become involved, contact: is a group of residents who value safer technology, safer internet access and safer cell phone service for people who people who live, work, shop or visit in Montgomery County, MD.  We value wired and fiber technology infrastructure where available. We encourage critical thinking about how 4G and 5G cell antennas, cell poles and cell towers have been and will be placed in environments where human life, animal life and plant life co-exist.

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