Why maintaining good mental health is as important as any safety protocol

Post date: Mar 05, 2021 12:9:1 AM

Martin Lloyd Sanders emphasizes the importance of maintaining good mental health in today's pandemic-stricken world. He realizes that everyone is on edge, stressed, and feeling so many negative emotions fed on further by the media. That said, he notes that with a sound mind, people are a lot more capable of making sound decisions.

As a safety officer, Martin Lloyd Sanders has taken it upon himself to help in any way he can, which is why today, he writes about how people can keep their minds healthy so they may make well-informed and correct decisions. Mindful meditation Taking at least 15 minutes to sit down and do some mindful meditation, especially when feeling anxious, can be of great help. It can be likened to a "regrouping" of the mind. People have used meditation for centuries to clear one's thoughts before making big decisions in life, Martin Lloyd Sanders adds.

Recreational activities Whether it's working out, playing video games, learning music or arts and crafts, cooking, or simply watching TV shows or movies on a laptop, any temporary escape from reality or one's everyday life can be a great way to maintain good mental health. According to Martin Lloyd Sanders, it also serves as a therapeutic outlet for people who feel pent up emotions boiling up inside them. Captain Martin Lloyd Sanders, Ph.D., has been deeply involved in biosafety and biosecurity issues both in the U.S. and abroad. He is an expert in biological safety, field medical operations, biosecurity, occupational safety and health, infectious disease epidemiology, environmental health services, and occupational health and wellness programs. For more reads like this, click here. Disclaimer: This site was prepared by Martin Sanders in his personal capacity. The opinions expressed are the author's own and do not reflect the views of the USPHS, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Homeland Security, or the United States Government.