Why everyone should at least know the basics of first aid

Post date: Jan 15, 2021 7:56:14 PM

Captain Martin Lloyd Sanders is all about the safety and security of people. He has even shared much of his knowledge in recent years throughout his series of blogs. For today's blog, Martin Lloyd Sanders looks at first aid, which he believes to be a basic life skill everyone should learn.

The truth of the matter is that accidents happen. In his experience, Martin Lloyd Sanders has observed just how little people know during emergencies. It's this knowledge that is extremely crucial in saving a person's life. Of course, Martin Lloyd Sanders recognizes the option to call 911 and other emergency services but knowing what to do before the EMTs arrive may mean the difference between life and death.

First-aid training encompasses a host of situations, from bandaging up open wounds to CPR to setting broken bones with a splint, to name a few. Knowing the basics of first aid allows a person to be of huge service to their community. In fact, people trained in first aid make everyone else around them safer, in any condition, whether they're at work, out on a nature hike, or even on a crowded bus.

Martin Lloyd Sanders mentions that more in-depth training in first aid includes learning predictive behavior that leads to accidents, thus being more prepared in such situations than the average person.

As a veteran of the U.S. Army, Captain Martin Lloyd Sanders, Ph.D., received the prestigious Derek Dunn Memorial Scientist Officer of the Year award in April 2007 and three outstanding service medals and commendation medals as part of the USPHS Commissioned Corps. For more reads on public health, visit this website. Disclaimer: This site was prepared by Martin Sanders in his personal capacity. The opinions expressed are the author's own and do not reflect the views of the USPHS, the Department of Health and Human Services, or the United States government.