How to act in the midst of a crisis

Post date: Jul 27, 2018 4:33:45 AM

The county of Frederick, Maryland isn’t immune to extreme weather. There have been hail storms and flooding in the past. Because of this, residents in and around the area should know what to do and how to act in the midst of a crisis. Here are some reminders:

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Stay calm.

This is the number one rule in any case of a crisis. Staying calm allows a rational assessment of situations and prevents rash decisions that could land people in more trouble. If there’s a storm, stay inside. If there’s an evacuation announcement, calmly pack the necessities and leave. Panicking will only worsen the situation.

Be informed.

Have a transistor radio ready at all times. Listen to the news and be updated with the circumstances. Be informed on the activities of people. There are measures in place in the event of a disaster.

Be prepared.

People should always know where they keep the important things they should bring along in case evacuation procedures have started. First-aid kits, flashlights, radios, candles, food, and drinking water should all be packed as soon as the evacuation starts.

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Help others.

Disasters cause widespread panic. While one’s self and family should be a priority, people should help out in shelters once their safety is assured. The elderly are susceptible and vulnerable, and its everyone’s responsibility to keep as many people as comfortable as they can be.

Martin Lloyd Sanders has over 12 years of service in the occupational safety and health sector. He also has experience in risk and disaster preparedness. Learn more about his work here.