Tips to survive basic training in the military

Post date: Feb 02, 2018 12:52:7 PM

Going to military boot camp is no joke, and one has to check with their recruiter if there are questions or uncertainties about some issues. Currently, more than 40 percent of those who enlist in the military do not make it through the first four years; a significant portion of these, too, do make it through boot camp. Serving in the U.S. military is a commitment and often a calling that is taken seriously – so here are some tips to survive basic training and get a good headstart.

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Listen and abide by the rules: As a recruit, one should be seen, not heard. When it comes to drill instructors, do not speak until spoken to. Never argue with drill instructors.

Know your priorities: Boot camp life is divided into two: things one would want to do, such as sleep, read, or chat with buddies; and things one needs to do, such as do the laundry, shine shoes, and scrub toilets. Do not give in to the temptation of slacking off and procrastinating. Finish what needs to be done and be as disciplined as possible.

Be a helpful buddy: Live, eat, and survive as a team. Act as part of the team, focusing on the “we” aspect of everything done inside boot camp.

Sacrifice: Put the needs of the country and service ahead of your own, and the rewards of a military career will be reaped later. Sacrifice is key to being one of the 60 percent who makes it to the end of their service commitment.

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Captain Martin Lloyd Sanders, Ph.D., is an officer in the Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS), with extensive experience in biological defense activities and infectious disease outbreak investigation. More articles like this here.