Tips On How To Stay Safe When There’s An Active Shooter In Public

Post date: Jun 01, 2018 3:49:49 AM

There have been far too many gun violence incidents in this country resulting in the deaths of many loved ones. Without proper gun laws pertaining to the sale and distribution of firearms, mass shootings will continue to hound our society.

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Given that shootings occur when they are least expected, knowing how to stay safe is crucial to surviving an incident. Here are some tips to do so when there’s an active shooter in public.

When you hear gunfire, regardless if it’s within your immediate location or not, quickly find an exit. Unless the gunfire came from its direction, head toward the nearest exit. If you are inside the upper floors of a building, avoid the elevators and use the emergency escape route.

If you are in a public place like the street, stay away from open areas that can give a shooter a clear line of sight between them and you. While running away, try to duck behind covers like parked cars.

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There may be times when escape is not an option. When this occurs, try to find a safe location to hide in, preferably one you can fortify to improve your safety. Once you are safe, you may then contact a local authority to report the incident.

Captain Martin Lloyd Sanders, Ph.D served as the Director for Occupational Preparedness and Emergency Response and the Director for Environmental Health Services. He also served as the Director (Acting) for the Office of Health and Safety under the Center for Disease Control (CDC). For more reads on public safety, visit this website.