Emergency preparedness: Packing a 'go bag' for the family

Post date: Dec 27, 2018 3:37:46 PM

No one knows when natural disasters will strike. These days, the effects of global warming and climate change are becoming more apparent even in developed countries. To ensure safety, homes and offices should have an emergency escape plan that is easy to enforce. Individuals should also have an emergency kit that they can grab while making their escape.

Before assembling the contents, one must ensure that the bag is made of sturdy material. Some prefer to use an old camping bag or a suitcase that they can quickly grab and carry around. Each member of the household should have a bag that can store their supplies.

After getting a bag, members should have a supply of non-perishable food and water that will last them at least three days. Experts suggest storing at least three gallons of water for each person. Ready to eat food such as protein bars, chips, and biscuits are good choices.

When it comes to personal supplies, toiletries, a first aid kit, and medication should also be in the bag. Aside from a person's own prescription, the bag should also contain medication for indigestion, allergies, flu, and other common diseases. For families with infants and small children, be sure to bring diapers, and other baby supplies. Pet owners should also bring food and medication for their furry friends. Investing in a lightweight carrier will help keep these animals safe when evacuating.

Flashlight, pocket radio, light blanket, extra batteries, gadget chargers, and water purification tablets should also be in the bag. Experts also suggest storing digital copies of important documents and IDs in a flash drive for backup. Individuals should never forget to include a wallet with cash in their bags.

Lastly, put the bags in an accessible area in the home. Place it near the door or in cabinets that even the kids can reach. The key is to have all necessities in one place that will enable one to make a quick and safe exit.

Martin Lloyd Sanders has over a decade of service in the occupational safety and health sector. He also has experience in risk and disaster preparedness. More articles like this here.