Occupational health hazards: Sports

Post date: Apr 28, 2020 8:28:3 PM

An expert on occupational health, Martin Lloyd Sanders mentions that the subject of staying safe in one's workplace transcends offices, worksites, and other conventional workplaces. For this blog, he will be discussing the dangers, impact, and reality of injuries in a job that, despite every safety precaution, is still quite perilous – sports. Almost everyone in the world is a fan of a sport or two. And why shouldn't they be? Sports is exciting. It showcases the very best humanity has to offer in terms of physical prowess and mental fortitude. However, with all the high-profile superstars in the world doing their thing, making people believe in the impossible, the unthinkable can happen. They can get injured.

And when they do, it is an eye-opening reminder that their occupation is as dangerous as any job in the world. This why Martin Lloyd Sanders believes occupational health and safety have to a top priority anywhere, including and especially in sports. Injuries may end careers or even worse. The world has seen the worst happen in sports such as car racing. The reality of it is no matter how many safety precautions people practice, the danger is always there in sports because of the high-paced nature wherein people push themselves to the limit. That said, Martin Lloyd Sanders applauds the officials and other key figures in all the sports in the world who are making sure their workers, in this case, the athletes are kept as safe as possible. Captain Martin Lloyd Sanders, Ph.D., CSP, is an officer in the Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS) and has rendered more than a decade of service in the occupational safety and health. Visit this page for similar posts. Disclaimer: This site was prepared by Martin L. Sanders in his personal capacity. The opinions expressed are the author's own and do not reflect the views of the USPHS, the Department of Health and Human Services, or the United States government.