Emergency response protocols that communities should understand

Post date: Sep 28, 2020 8:35:29 PM

It is at a time like this when people realize the importance of emergency response protocols. Had there been none in place prior to the COVID19 pandemic, the world might be in a far worse position than it is in today. Martin Lloyd Sanders believes that there are emergency response protocols that communities should understand. For instance, there is a reason why there are zoning policies put in place that are specific to local government units. By design, roads are created to serve communities so that mobility is easy for emergency transport. For this reason, there are some specific areas wherein cars are not allowed to park on the side of the road to give way for emergency services. Targeted information campaigns tend to interrupt your regular TV programming every once in a while. Infomercials are there to educate families within communities of people about what to do in emergencies, asserts Martin Lloyd Sanders. Indeed, if only more families took the time to absorb the information communicated by the government, the emergency response would be made more seamless when the concerned government units are mobilized to attend to the public. Contrary to common belief, census registration is not only the government’s way of counting the population. This is also their way of mapping out the profile of the community. For instance, there will always be a specific number of senior citizens and children in an area. When disaster strikes, the mobilized units have a better idea of who to prioritize in an evacuation. These are just some ways by which protocols show how important they are in ensuring that emergency response will reach the areas that are in most need of them. Martin Lloyd Sanders encourages everyone to get in touch with their local community centers to be in the know.

Captain Martin Lloyd Sanders, Ph.D., CSP, is an expert in biological safety and security. He has used his skills in his involvement in resolving biosafety and biosecurity issues both in the U.S. and abroad. Read more about his expertise on this page.

Disclaimer: This site was prepared by Martin L. Sanders in his personal capacity. The opinions expressed are the author’s own and do not reflect the views of the USPHS, the Department of Health and Human Services, or the United States government.