Securing a home: An expert’s advice

Post date: Oct 22, 2019 5:44:3 PM

Captain Martin Lloyd Sanders’ expertise lies in safety in public places and in work environments. However, he values the safety of everyone at all times.

On that note, Capt. Sanders shares some important tips on how to keep their homes safe and secure at all times from natural disasters.

Look closely at window sills when it rains.

Far too many homeowners ignore the state of their windows until it’s too late. At the first instance of rain, people should check the windows of their homes, particularly the edges. It’ll be easy to see if the windows weren’t installed properly. Water will be seeping in. Have it fixed by professionals as soon as possible to prevent water from damaging the house.

Take time to inspect roof panels

Though roofs are a bit more difficult to inspect than windows, homeowners need to make time to check them or have professionals go over them. Roofs cover the home as much as the walls. Loose roofs can also be dangerous if left to the elements. Strong winds may be enough to bring roofs down on residents.

Be mindful of the landscape

Landscapes and hardscapes’ main function is to keep water from entering the foundation of the home. Captain Martin Lloyd Sanders recommends homeowners to be vigilant and to check if any of the drainage systems are blocked, especially nearing the rainy season.

Captain Martin Lloyd Sanders, Ph.D., CSP, obtained his degree in zoology at the University of California and his doctorate from the Department of Immunology and Infectious Diseases at the Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health. Visit this page for similar reads.

Disclaimer: This site was prepared by Martin L. Sanders in his personal capacity. The opinions