Some general workplace safety tips every employee should know

Post date: Apr 30, 2019 5:32:3 PM

A safe working environment not only relies on management, but on the workers as well. Aside from making sure that every single member of the workforce adheres to proper safety measures, a clear sense of communication on all levels should exist. Martin Lloyd Sanders, a recent ASP awardee, shares some general workplace safety tips that all employees should be aware of.

Always wear protective gear. There is a reason protective gear are distributed, and it is important to never take these items off when you’re actively performing tasks. Hard hats, goggles, gloves, full face masks, ear muffs, and reflective jackets are required for high-risk jobs, and these greatly reduce injuries or harm as you go on with your tasks.

Never take shortcuts. While the promise of finishing your task at the shortest amount of time may seems the best way to do it, it could also be very dangerous. Martin Lloyd Sanders says that you should follow correct procedures and perform each step with much diligence and care. This will keep you safe and away from accidents or unwanted injuries.

Never perform any task while intoxicated. Three percent of work-related fatalities are caused by alcohol and drug intoxication. Workers, whose jobs require handling machinery, coordination, or anything that needs alertness, need to be completely sober while doing their jobs.

Martin Lloyd Sanders has completed all requirements for a Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BSCP) certification. This certification is awarded by BCSP to individuals who meet eligibility and experience criteria in the safety, health, and environmental discipline. For more articles like this, visit this page.