Household coronavirus protocols

Post date: Sep 28, 2020 8:33:37 PM

It’s almost impossible to know if you are bringing home the coronavirus after going out to buy food or supplies. This is why families should have strict rules when it comes to doing menial chores like stepping outside to buy essential items. Public health expert Martin Lloyd Sanders acknowledges the situation, and a solution for the COVID-19 pandemic may still be far from reach. This is why preventive measures should be followed in the household in order to stop the spread of the coronavirus. Here are some protocols every home should follow. Anyone who needs to go out for work or to buy necessary supplies like food and medicine should always wear a form of face mask or face shield. These PPE can prevent your face from contacting the airborne virus. Some models like full-face shields are also handy because of their reusable designs. Surgical gloves is unnecessary. Simply bring a portable sanitizer bottle with you and avoid touching objects, as well as your face.

When you get home, avoid human contact for now and head straight for the bathroom. Place your clothes in a bin for disinfection later on and take a bath to remove all possible traces of the coronavirus that may have had contact with you. According to Martin Lloyd Sanders, the best way to avoid the coronavirus is to simply stay at home. There are online services which can help you get your essentials, and online shopping remains as a trustworthy tool during this pandemic. As a veteran of the U.S. Army, Captain Martin Lloyd Sanders, Ph.D., received the prestigious Derek Dunn Memorial Scientist Officer of the Year award on April 2007 and three outstanding service medals and commendation medals as part of the USPHS Commissioned Corps. For more reads on public health, visit this website. Disclaimer: This site was prepared by Martin Sanders in his personal capacity. The opinions expressed are the author's own and do not reflect the views of the USPHS, the Department of Health and Human Services, or the United States government.