Valuable lessons you can learn from a life coach

Post date: Feb 15, 2019 7:39:49 PM

A lot of people have the misconception that counselors and life coaches are all-knowing advisors. This isn’t true; they are equally human, too, which is exactly what makes them able to relate to issues and give advice, says life coach Mark Accetta. It’s this ability to empathize that allow life coaches to guide and help deal with various challenges.

One lesson you can learn from life coaches is that acting is always better than simply reacting. You can’t just wait for the good things in life to fall into your lap. Living life means exerting effort to make the most out of it, and every time you embrace negative thoughts like jealousy and anger, you’re merely reacting. You can all be more proactive and initiate lines of communication, take calculated risks.

Another lesson that’s equally important in life is learning to set boundaries. You can’t just let others have their way, smothering or walking all over you. You can’t get too caught up in not wanting to offend, especially when you know you’re in the right. You’ve to communicate clearly what you believe is acceptable and what isn’t, because the world can be riddled with toxic people who’ll just keep getting us down. You deserve to maintain your little, private boundaries.

Lastly, a winning attitude begins with trusting oneself. You won’t get far if you keep dismissing your intuition. Consider your gut feel, that which tells you something doesn’t feel right. A good life coach is not there to make a puppet out of you or just tailor advice based on what they think you need, explains Marc Accetta. If anything, they are there to listen and help you sort out thoughts you already have. Your sense of self-identity may depend on giving these hunches the so-called benefit of the doubt. If you feel something is off, examine and communicate it.

Life coach Marc Accetta believes that facing and overcoming challenges is possible if done with the right mindset. He believes that one must be able to remove doubts and fears, improve self-esteem, and hone personal skills to achieve success. For similar posts, visit this blog.