Complaining: How it can affect your mindset

Post date: Jul 22, 2019 4:57:22 PM

In general, people dislike other people who complain a lot. They say complaining doesn’t help at all and is just a waste of time. So why do complain so much? According to life coach Marc Accetta, complaining is a complex trait which affects how we think. People complain as a way to release suppressed emotions or frustrations.

However, there are healthier ways of doing so. Complaining only forces us to think negatively and affects our mood instantaneously. Here are some other ways complaining can affect your mindset.

You remember only negative thoughts

For example, if your flight gets delayed by over an hour and you post a simple rant on social media, your start recalling other instances of inconvenience. Other negative and totally unrelated thoughts can also occur while you are in this state.

You become helpless

Complaining gives us the illusion that we are doing something to address the problem. But in reality, complaining does nothing. It is also a defeatist notion when we complain, like there’s nothing we can do to improve the situation.

You have less chances of fixing the problem

When you dedicate more time complaining about something rather than thinking of ways to solve the problem, nothing will be accomplished. Complaining can force you to stay in your spot while other people deal with it.

According to Marc Accetta, complaining can take many forms. Some people are even competitive when it comes to complaining. “You had your flight delayed by an hour? Mine got delayed by two!” This statement does literally nothing except make both parties feel bad about their situation. And sometimes, all it takes is some positivity to turn things around. “You had your flight delayed by an hour? At least it’s not two, right?”

For life coach Marc Accetta, facing and overcoming challenges can be done with the right mindset. He is a life coach who helps individuals achieve this through the seminars and workshops he conducts across the country. Visit this blog to read more about positivity.