Notable traits of people who inspire others

Post date: Sep 28, 2018 11:46:58 PM

Throughout modern history, certain men and women have become beacons of light to millions of people. The likes of Martin Luther King Jr., Pope John Paul II, Steve Jobs— all these people were innovators who fought for their rightful place in history. And by studying these figures, you can easily pinpoint specific traits that they share. Here are some of the notable traits shared of these most inspiring people in the world. Incredible Courage When you stand up against a government or a glaring majority for what you believe is right, noteworthy courage is needed. The boldness and fortitude to speak their minds move people and shake their very core, inspiring them to follow in the footsteps toward greater change.

A great deal of empathy for others

Whether you’re an innovator who wants to make the world a better place or a freedom fighter who wants to protect the weak, men and women who inspire people do so by showing empathy toward others. This shows the world that their intention is not self-serving and that their cause is for a greater one.

Belief in collective power Someone who inspires others is not one who thinks he or she can do everything alone. Though the change they envision is massive, they also require numbers in doing so. But more importantly, they cast their faith in everyone who believes in them as much as what they stand for.Life coach Marc Accetta uses unique means to capture his audiences’ attention and help them overcome personal hardships and professional struggles. Mr. Accetta, backed with talent and personal experiences, has inspired many people of all ages and from all walks of life. To read more about inspiring people, visit this website.