Six ways to practice self-care today, according to clinicians

Post date: Nov 26, 2018 9:53:41 PM

Self-care, which involves deliberate actions to take care of yourself, is a vital aspect of wellbeing. How it’s practiced is different for each person and different from day to day, but the important thing to do is find a balance of activities that work for you. Even clinicians such as psychologists and psychotherapists practice self-care – here are six tips from them on how to do it today.

Protect your sleep: Be adamant about protecting your sleep. Sleep deprivation results in many physical, emotional, and mental setbacks, so it’s important to honor your bedtime even if it means stopping doing something fun or saying no to other people.

Implement small self-care ideas: Initiate a compliments file, which documents the great things people say about you. Go cloud-watching, take another route to work, and pay complete attention to something you typically do on autopilot. These small steps can go a long way in reminding you how much care you can put into yourself.

Meditate: Punctuate your day with a mini-meditation, or a minute of awareness of your thoughts, feelings, as well as sensations. Follow it up with another minute of focused attention on breathing, and then another minute of awareness of the body as a whole. You can also practice mindfulness meditation with a group.

Make deliberate efforts to have fun: Have a sweet treat that includes dark chocolate and a cup of hot tea. Goof around for a bit, or schedule five minutes of “play” several times during the entire day. Be selfish for once: do one thing today because it makes you happy.

Keep moving: Work out every day, engaging in active sports you enjoy, and spend time outdoors. Bike, lift weights, or walk – and benefit from the adrenaline rush or the natural gift of exercising.

Stay away from stress: Avoid your usual triggers, and take breaks from your computer, phone, or social media. Learn to say no – it’s all right if you’re unable or hesitant to do something at that moment. This is especially important when you’re in a vulnerable state.

Marc Accetta is one of the most recognizable figures in the life coaching arena. He is known for his unique style in conducting life coaching seminars, touching the lives of many people regardless of their age group or socioeconomic status. For similar reads, visit this blog.