~ Mail Messages
Note: I haven't checked all the messages yet. I translated some of them without seeing the game context, so don't trust my translation too much. I'll update this page later when I have time to check them. ^_^
What you can send to her when you use Mail command
(Some choices are only available after you got a confession).
- おはよう Good Morning
- おやすみ Good Night
- 何してる?What are you doing?
- 愛の言葉 Love message
- デートの感想 Date impressions (Only available after a date)
When she send some general mails
(Ex. Greetings, warning about exams, etc.)
- ありがとな Thank you
- どうでもいいや Whatever
General Mail Answers
- 適当に返信 Reply halfheartedly
- 普通に返信 Reply normally
- 気持ちを込めて返信 Reply with feelings
When you did something wrong
(Ex. Forget to go to date.)
- ごめんな I'm sorry.
- 言い訳する Explain the reason
- 愛の言葉 Love message
Before date
- デート楽しみにしてる I'm looking forward to our date.
- 早く会いたい I already want to meet you.
- 愛の言葉 Love message
When she wants to meet you
(Usually this will happen in Real Time Mode and she will ask if you can meet her. Try to find a number in her mail. That will be the specific time she wants to meet you. 10時 = 10 o'clock, 11時 = 11 o'clock, etc. If you answer Okay, you should turn on the game and play in Real Time Mode at that time.)
- いいよ Okay
- 用事があるから無理 I can't. I got something to do.
When she got excited after date
- ぼく(おれ)もだよ Me too.
- まあ、そうだな Well, yeah...
- 少し落ち着こう Calm down
When she talks about you two being in love
- 一緒にたしかめよう Let's confirm it together.
- わからないな I don't know
- さぁ?Huh?
When she talks about ???
- もちろん!Of course!
- そのうちな Kind of
- めんどうだな So troublesome
When she talks about the kisses
- 次はもっと…… It'll be more next time...
- 俺(僕)も同じ気分…… I feel the same way too...
When she talks about ???
- そうだな So it is
- 俺(僕)もだよ Me too
- そのうちな Just like that
- まだ足りないって It's not enough yet
When she talks about ???
- そうだな So it is
- そうか? Really?
When she tells you she likes you more
- ぼくはもっと好きだ I like you more too.
- やった!Yes!
- ふぅん Huh?
When she asks whether you two are deeply in love
- あぁラブラブだ!Yeah, so in love.
- わりとね Pretty much.
- ラブラブって…… In love..?
When she talks about your relationship
- これからもな?It will continue from now on too.
- そうかもな Maybe
- えっと…… Well...
When she talks about separation
- 大丈夫、離れないから It's okay. We won't separate
- いつでも会えるって We can always meet
When she talks about ???
- 我慢しろって Be patient
- ずっと傍にいてくれ Please always be near me
When she talks about ???
- いいんじゃない? Isn't that good?
- うーん、ずっとか…… Hmm... Always?
- ぼくはとっくにそうだけど?I kind of think like that
- それもあり、かな? That exists... may be
- やばいな Too bad.
- 寂しくさせてごめんな Sorry for making you feel sad
- そんな日もあるって That kind of day also exists
- そうなんだ That is so
- そんなの当り前だろ Of course it is
- そうだな That's right
- 考えとくI'll think about it
When she tells you she will change her hair length
- うれしい!お願い!I'm glad. Please do it.
- 今のままでいいよ The current one is already good.
When she asks your opinion about her hair length that you like
- 今の長さ or 今のまま Keep it the same
- ロング Long
- セミロング Semi-long
- ショート Short
When she asks your opinion about cloth color that you like
- 明るい色 Bright Color
- 暗めの色 Dark Color
- 暖かい感じ Warm Tone
- 涼しい感じ Cool Tone
When she asks your opinion about cloth style that you like
- 清楚 Neat
- サッパリ Simple
- 可愛い Cute
When she asks your opinion about personality that you like
- クールで物静か Cool and Quiet
- 優しくて大人しい Kind and Obedient
- 優しくて積極的 Kind and Active
- 明るくて積極的 Cheerful and Active
- 知的で強気 Intellectual and Knowledgeable
When she asks your opinion about her current personality
- もちろん、タイプだ You are already my type
- もう少し明るい方が A little more cheerful would be better
- もう少し落ち着いてる方が A little calmer would be better
- もう少し活発な方が A little more active would be better
- もう少し穏やかな方が A little quieter would be better
When she tells you she will change her hair color
- 興味ある! I want to see it
- 興味ないな I don't care about that
When she asks you about hair color that you like
- 明るい色がいいな Bright color
- 自然な茶系とか Natural / brown tone
- 黒髪に限る!Black is the best
- 黄色っぽいの Yellow-ish
- 赤っぽいの Red-ish
- 黒っぽいの Black-ish
When she tells you she will change her hair style
- いいとも! Good!
- やめてよ Stop it
- いいね! Good
- 今のままがいいよ The current one is already good
- いいかも!That 's probably good
- ないない No-no
Thanks to TL Wiki Love Plus for the script