Meet a Project: Pilot event

Session description

Calling all Open Source Software project leaders and those looking to get involved in a new project.

We are now looking to run a series of events called LJC Meet a Project (@LJCMaP). The events will be in a speed networking style, similar to the GDC Meet a Mentor events. They will involve Project Ambassadors speaking to small groups of 3-6 developers. Giving a pitch of the project, then answering questions, before moving on to another group. The events are intended to answer potential committers' questions around the projects, focussed mainly around starting points.

We are hoping to run a pilot of the event at this years Open Conference event.

What topic are you covering

- Open Source Projects

Who should attend your session - any previous experience required?

Anyone with an interest in getting people working on their open source project or those wishing to get involved with an open source project.

No previous experience required.

What will attendees learn by attending your session

As a person involved in an open source project, its your chance to discover how to attract more people to the project.

Its also an opportunity to learn how to get started with an Open Source project.

What problem space / challenges are you attempting attempting to solve

Open Source projects.