We are an official NYC Compost Project Demonstration site

Post date: Apr 24, 2012 1:53:18 AM

And here is our official sign. We have to find a permanent place to hang it.

Gina from Queens Botanical Gardens (deliverer of sign) was also very helpful about giving us some tips for having a more effective composting operation.

To that end, in early June we are planning to hold a working bee start a hot pile in one of the curing bin bays. A hot pile, as Gina explained to us, is a 3 foot x 3 foot layered compost pile, which you allow to get up to 140 degrees (farenheit not celcius!!) in the middle before you start to turn it. This accelerates the composting process and will give us a chance to free up some room in our tumblers and make better use of the extra capacity the curing bins have afforded us.

Closer to time we will set a date and make a couple of announcements, but we will need a few sets of helping hands, and probably some extra browns. Please email licgardencompost@gmail.com if you are interested in helping out.