OKGo- Passive Voice example Lesson

Example assignment used in an online grammar course at the pre-collegiate level. Can be adapted for in class or computer lab use. Note that the link here is not the Youtube link to facilitate greater access across countries (and the article includes some helpful vocabulary) and that the full video info is provided so students can search for the video on their preferred platform as well. In a computer-lab, this activity could be completed in groups and lists of sentences submitted in the CMS or google docs and possibly compiled through a class google doc.

Instructions to students:

Please use the discussion board to post your assignment and respond to your classmates. In this assignment you will be watching a music video, very closely.

Many of you have probably already seen this video (This Too Shall Pass by OK Go Watch it Here - link to the WIRED article about it with video embedded, if it doesn't work google the music video; you will find it) but have you considered the limitless possibilities for the use of the passive voice in the video?

Your task is to watch the video, very carefully, probably several times. And write, in order, as many passive voice sentences as you can handle about the video but no less than 10.

You will likely take a very very very long time if you try to write a sentence for each and every action that occurs in the video.

It is OK to skip over some items.

Write your sentences in the order they occur in the video.

If possible include the time stamp your sentence occurs at.


1. 0:10 - The dominoes were hit by the truck.

In your initial post your should include

    • your name in the subject line
    • 10 or more timestamped passive sentences from the video in order
    • The part of the video you found most interesting

You must also reply to two classmates, the first of which must be to someone who does not yet have a reply, if such is the case. Your reply should include

  • a short response to what the person wrote
  • insights on their sentences, further corrections to be made
  • a new passive sentence that occurs before, after or between the sentences given in the post & an indication of where if fits in

Example: 0:10 - The dominoes were it by the truck. before your sentence #1

When someone replies to your post with a question, please also answer the question. You may continue any of the discussions longer but you must have a minimum of 1 initial post, 2 reply posts as outlined above (1 reply to two different students) and responses to any questions you are asked.

EXTRA POINTS for whoever gets the most sentences on their first post w/out editing.

Please post your assignment as a new thread in the Week 4 Discussion Board with your name in the subject line. DO NOT READ ANY OF THE POSTS UNTIL YOU HAVE POSTED YOUR OWN INITIAL POST and do not edit after reading other posts. Either occurrence will be considered cheating in the contest for posting the most sentences.

Your post is due by Wed Week 4.

In addition you must respond to at least two posts from your classmates.

Reply by Friday Week 4.