Level 3- Computers for All
Computers available for the class in a lab, on a cart or otherwise where a 1-1 or 1-small group computer to student ratio is available.
Task Based-
Useful sites
Show everyday tasks & Life Skills
(for details & sample lesson plans, sites & downloads see Fall Workshop 2009)
Problem Solving/ Life Skills/ Task Based- weather, car buying, job search,
Life Skills, Conversation- maps/directions, Google street view, floor plans
Writing/ Discussion/ Directions- google art project activity ideas
Writing: imdb - movie reviews, summaries
Input- Multimedia
Ted- a vast variety of talks appropriate mostly for higher level students
Elllo - intermediate level ESL/English interview etc videos some w/ transcripts & questions - collect sets of themed interviews for a lesson, or see my lesson sample for indirect speech/questions grammar
My Example Lesson- OkGo music video for passive voice
Videos/music videos/commercials
Comics - use as discussion or writing prompts or for grammar- My Sample Reported Speech Lesson
Blogs- class blog, new student guide, active newsletter, portfolios
Wikis- Wiki Spaces- higher ed free , K-12 Free
Comics- ReadThinkWrite Comic Creator , Strip Creator, - MakeBeliefs Pixton
Goanimate - create, save & share animations
Crossword & other puzzles (see links in level 2)- vocab, grammar & test review
Custom Google Maps- map student stories, readings, local neighborhood
User Gallery in Google Art Project
Videos, Youtube channels, etc
websites- google sites
Microsoft Photo Story- build interactive stories w/ pictures & sound
Great list of innovative language sites from @NikPeachey
Basic computer skills-
Typing- keyboarding lesson, keyboard printable
Accessing content
Safe Use
Basic Word processing, copy/cut/paste
Use screen shot and or screen casts guides when possible
Test instructions carefully
Find the ways students will get hung up (figure out what goes wrong)
Run through sample exercises w/ whole class
Let students work in pairs
Give at least one task to individuals that all get a chance to try
For more tips see Life-skills Online: Authentic Tasks for Adult Learners
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