Courses Taught
RESEV 680- Critical Issues in Qualitative Research (co-taught with Sarah L Rodriguez)
The second of two qualitative research methods classes for graduate students (primarily PhD students)
3 hours/week
Iowa State University
Creswell (2013) Qualitative inquiry & research design: choosing among the five approaches; Patton (2014) Qualitative research & evaluation methods: integrating theory and practice; Saldaña (2014) The Coding manual for qualitative researchers
1 semester
ENGL 180D- Presentation & Teaching Skills for International TAs
The highest level in a 3-level sequence of oral skills courses for international teaching assistants (ITAs). Advanced speaking skills course focused on presentation and teaching skills including units on word stress, culture and discussion leading, presenting technical vocabulary, and fielding student questions.
3 hours/week
Iowa State University
Book: no book/ supplements from Communicate
3 semesters
Guest Lectures
RESEV 550- Introduction to Educational Research
Graduate course, Research & Evaluation, School of Education, Iowa State University, Fall 2016
Topic: Introduction to Mixed Methods Research
1 week, 2 sections (3 hours each)
ENGL 510- Introduction to Computer in Applied Linguistics
Graduate course, English Department, Iowa State University, Fall 2016
Topic: Screencast Feedback in ESL Writing
1 hour
INTR 611- Theoretical Foundations of TESOL Methodology
Graduate (masters level) course, Intercultural Studies Department, Wheaton College Graduate School, 2012
Topic: Intensive English Programs and the FOCAL SKILLS Approach
1 hour
ENGL 150- Critical Thinking & Communication
An undergraduate first year introductory level multimodal composition course covering critical reading and thinking, writing, and basic oral, visual, and electronic communication through a place-based curriculum.
3 hours/week
Iowa State University
The Call to Write, The Everyday Writer, ISUComm Foundation Courses Student Guide
1 semester
ENGL 250- Written, Oral, Visual, and Electronic Composition
A required undergraduate second year multimodal composition course covering the analysis, composition and reflection on written, oral, visual, and electronic (WOVE) discourse within academic, civic, and cultural contexts with emphasis on development and support of a claim through primary and secondary sources.
3 hours/ week (6 in summer)
Iowa State University
One World Many Cultures, The Everyday Writer, Everything’s an Argument, ISUComm Foundation Courses Student Guide
1 semester, 1 summer
Academic ESL Writing III
The highest level in a series of 3 credit bearing academic ESL writing courses. Course focused on essay writing including source integration.
College of DuPage
Effective Academic Writing 3
4 hours/week
1 semester
Academic ESL Writing I
The lowest level in a series of 3 credit bearing academic ESL writing courses. Course focused on paragraph and short essay writing.
4 hours/week
College of DuPage
1 semester
Focal Skills Writing Module- taught as FACE to FACE, ONLINE, HYBRID
A focal skills writing module in an intensive English program at a community college with students ranging from intermediate to advanced.
13 hours/ week
Elgin Community College Intensive English Program
No Book/ Writing From Within
9 semesters, 5 summers
Pre-Collegiate Writing – taught as FACE to FACE, ONLINE, HYBRID
An academic writing course focusing on 5+ paragraph essays and research in an intensive English program at a community college with students ranging from very high intermediate to very advanced.
5 hours/ week
Elgin Community College Intensive English Program
No Book (some semesters)/ Effective Academic Writing 3: The Essay, The Essentials of English: A Writer’s Handbook & Exercises to Accompany
9 semesters, 5 summers, multiple sections at times
Pre-Collegiate Grammar – taught as HYBRID & ONLINE
An academic grammar course focusing on specific topics each 4 weeks with a focus on grammar in writing in an intensive English program at a community college with students ranging form very high intermediate to advanced. This is the bridge course to academic course work.
5 hours/ week
Elgin Community College Intensive English Program
No Book
1 semester, 1 summer
Intro to Research Papers & Reported Speech- ONLINE
Advanced writing and grammar workshop for college/university transfer students focusing on MLA in-text citations, research, culture, reported speech and comparative essays.
5 hours/ week (8 week courses)
Elgin Community College Intensive English Program
No Book
2 summers
Writing Workshop
Low intermediate student centered writing workshop open to all levels of students.
4.5 hours/ week
Elgin Community College Intensive English Program
No Book
3 summers
Grammar Workshop
High intermediate student centered grammar workshop open to all levels of students. Topics covered included verb tense review, commands, spelling rules for plurals, and pronoun review.
4.5 hours/ week
Elgin Community College Intensive English Program
No Book
1 summer
Reading Workshop
Low intermediate student-centered reading workshop open to all levels of students. Course included contextualized vocabulary practice and readings from web texts and simple English news stories.
4.5 hours/ week
Elgin Community College Intensive English Program
No Book
1 summer
Multilevel Academic Reading, Writing & Grammar
Extremely multilevel reading & writing focusing on academic vocabulary, American culture, paragraphs and short essays for high school & college students preparing for study in US.
9 hours/ week (5 weeks)
Summer Language Institute- North Central College
Book: American Manners & Customs - 1
1 summer
ENGL 180D- Presentation & Teaching Skills for International TAs
The highest level in a 3-level sequence of oral skills courses for ITAs. Advanced speaking skills course focused on presentation and teaching skills including units on word stress, culture and discussion leading, presenting technical vocabulary, and fielding student questions.
3 hours/week
Iowa State University
Book: no book/ supplements from Communicate
3 semesters as of Sp 2016
Academic Speaking & Listening
High & very high intermediate academic speaking and listening focusing on comparative presentations for Qatari women and Taiwanese and Japanese college & graduate students preparing for study in US.
8? hours/ week- 2 sections
Summer Language Institute - North Central College
Book: Passages 1& 2,
1 summer
Multilevel Academic Speaking & Listening
Extremely multilevel academic speaking and listening focusing on presentations for high school & college students preparing for study in US.
9 hours/ week (5 weeks)
Summer Language Institute- North Central College
Book: Passages 1& 2
1 summer
Academic Speaking & Listening
Low & high intermediate academic speaking and listening focusing on comparative presentations & culture for Taiwanese and Japanese college/graduate students preparing for study in the US.
8 hours/ week (3 weeks)- 2 sections
Summer Language Institute - North Central College
Book: Passages 1/ Passages 2, American Manners & Customs - 1
1 summer
Academic Speaking & Listening
High & very high intermediate academic speaking and listening with elements of TOEFL prep in
summer intensive for Qatari high school and Japanese college students preparing for study in US.
8? hours/ week
Summer Language Institute- North Central College
Book: Passages 1 & 2
1 Summer
Digital Video
American Greetings & Conversation
Let/Make/Have/Get- frequent English verbs
Academic Vocabulary
American Board Games for Fluency and Vocab
Computer Skills & Word ’07
Social Networking
Yes/No Questions
Irregular Past Tense Verbs
English for Cooking
Commercials & Digital Video
4 weeks, 3 hours/ week each
Elgin Community College Intensive English Program
American Games for Fluency & Vocabulary
High intermediate & intermediate sections focusing on vocabulary quick speaking games like Taboo, Last Word & Apples to Apples in a summer program for Taiwanese and Japanese college & graduate students preparing for study in US.
4? hours/ week (3 weeks)
Summer Language Institute - North Central College
1 summer
Digital Video Elective
Academic ESL elective in shooting and editing video using imovie to create a program DVD in summer intensive for Qatari high school and Japanese college students preparing for study in US.
3 hours/week
Summer Language Institute- North Central College
No book
Level 5
High Intermediate integrated skills Adult ESL
5 hours/week
College of DuPage
Book: Ventures 4 Book & Workbook
1 semester
4B- Low Intermediate
Low intermediate integrated skills adult ESL course with emphasis on reading, problem solving strategies, computer and financial literacy and task based instruction.
3 hours/ week
Elgin Community College
Book- Allstar 3- book & work book, Longman Learner’s Dictionary
1 semester
Multilevel 0-1-2-3
Multilevel adult ESL course ranging from literacy to intermediate
6 hours/ week
The College of DuPage
Book: Ventures Basic, 1, 2 & 3 Book & Workbook + AddVentures
1 semester
Level 2
High beginning adult ESL course
5 hours/ week
The College of DuPage
Book: StandOut 1, StandOut 1 Reading & Writing Challenge, Very Easy True Stories, Heinle Picture
3 semesters, 1 summer
Level B2
High beginning multicultural adult ESL course
8 hours/week (4 mornings)
World Relief DuPage
Book: Ventures 1- bk, work bk, Add Ventures
3 semesters
Multilevel 0-1-2
Multilevel adult ESL course ranging from literacy to high beginning
5 hours/ week
The College of DuPage
Book: StandOut 1
1 semester +
Level 0 & 1
Literacy and beginning adult ESL course
5 hours/ week
The College of DuPage
Book: Ventures Basic & Venture 1 Book & Workbook + AddVentures
4 semesters, 1 summer
Level 0-1
Low beginning adult ESL course ranging from literacy to low beginning.
5 hours/ week(semester) 6 hours/week (summer)
The College of DuPage
Book: StandOut Basic, picture dictionary, First Class Reader!, Downtown Basic
3 semesters, 1 summer
Level A
Low beginning multicultural adult ESL
4 hours/week- school year course, extended through June for practicum
World Relief DuPage
No books/Taking Off, Oxford Picture Dictionary
3 semesters
Very low beginning reading and writing literacy class
8 hours/ week ( 2 x 4-hour sections M/W pm, Sat am)
Triton College
Book: Longman Literacy
1 quarter
Workplace ESL
Lower of two workplace ESL courses on site at Spraying Systems, levels ranging from high beginning through intermediate.
4 hours/ week
World Relief DuPage at Spraying Systems
Book: Ventures 2
1 semester+