The Booklegger: Orders

Rick Susman of The Booklegger, a bookseller and collection development specialist for middle/high school libraries, especially IB ones, has a showroom in Melbourne, Australia, with over 50,000 international secondary non-fiction and reference books on display. He also produces book lists of titles available for ordering 4-5 times a year.

If ISLN members coordinate their ordering times, Rick will consolidate our orders into one shipment, e.g., to AISS, thereby saving on the shipping costs.

Contact Rick at or if you want to be put on his mailing list.

For more information about Rick, including a list of schools he has done collection development work for, see: The Booklegger webpage. See also Rick's profile on LinkedIn. To read an article by Rick which will be published in Australia this year, see: Libraries setting the agenda for research [PDF for download]

24 – 26 second avenue box hill north

3129 victoria, australia

phone: (03) 9898 9528 fax: (03) 9899 4065


© Copyright The Booklegger 2011

May ISLN order closing 31 May. - Feb 26, 2011 8:22:46 AM