TeachIT - Nov. 21, 2009

Post date: Sep 25, 2009 5:54:26 AM

All of you should have received an email similar to this by now:

Dear Colleagues,

On Saturday November 21st UWCSEA Dover will be hosting TeachIT 2009.

This is the third biennial training opportunity for international school teachers here in Singapore to learn about and share ideas on the use of IT for teaching and learning. Many of you will have attended the previous events at SAS and know we can expect around 300 teachers from all the international schools in Singapore to come together on the day.

Details on how to sign-up as an attendee will be circulated next week, right now we are looking for presenters to sign-up to run sessions.

The workshops are 75 minutes in duration and will hopefully be hands on skill development sessions for your peers. You can co-present and we should be able to set-up/provide any necessary software or hardware. A number of UWCSEA teachers presented at the last event and were well received (most were not IT specialists!). The sessions don't have to be cutting-edge or aimed at high fliers, many of us and our peers are just looking to develop basic skills and have an opportunity to swap ideas.

If you have an idea for a session, please feel free to discuss it with Jo-Ann, Helen, Keri-Lee or myself.

This year the details and sign-up for presenters is all on-line – please go to:


I look forward to seeing you there.



Ben Morgan

Director of ICT

United World College of SE Asia


Tel: +65-64199354 Fax: +65-67785846
