1)Communication: Converting Social Media From Mono to Dialogue (Libya)

Dialectics are originally the foundation of media (once a responsibility for healthy reporting), education (origin of Socrates 'academia'), interpersonal relations, family, profession and community.

SYRIA (2013 US Obama threatens to bomb) webpage on Indigene Community:   https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/e-history/8-nuclear-war


Freedom of the Press Foundation Publishes Leaked Audio of Bradley Manning’s Statement March 11, 2013


https://s3.amazonaws.com/pressfreedom/bradley_manning_statement/full_statement.mp3  for audio

ILLEGAL US WARS IN IRAQ & AFGHANISTAN: No weapons of Mass-Destruction (declared US mission for invasion) in Iraq & no Afghani's in 9/11 (US declared mission for invasion). Bradley Manning as Intelligence Personnel in the US army came across systematic repetitive atrocities on the part of the US Army in Iraq.  According to his duties towards the US Constitution, Bradley released these documents, videos etc to Wiki-leaks. The full, previously unreleased audio recording of Private First Class Bradley Manning’s speech to the military court in Ft. Meade about his motivations for leaking over 700,000 government documents to WikiLeaks. In addition, we have published highlights from Manning’s statement to the court. While unofficial transcripts of this statement are available, this marks the first time the American public has heard the actual voice of Manning. Total time 1 hour 8 minutes. Spread these links as widely as possible.

Hearing Bradley Manning for the First Time By Daniel Ellsberg, Reader Supported News  12 March 13 http://readersupportednews.org/opinion2/370-wikileaks/16446-hearing-bradley-manning-for-the-first-time  

Secrecy Surrounding Trial  EXCERP

Manning faces some of exact same charges I faced forty two years ago when I leaked the Pentagon Papers to the New York Times and eighteen other papers. The only difference is I was a civilian, so I could stay out of jail on bond while the trial was going on, and was able to talk to the media throughout. I took responsibility for what I had done on the day of my arrest, and I was able to explain why I did it.

But thanks to the judge's rulings in Manning's case, the public has barely heard anything from Manning at all. No official transcripts of the proceeding are released to the public, and when documents like the judge's court orders are released, it is weeks after the fact - and only in response to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.

Now I hope the American people can see Manning in a different light. In 1971, I was able to give the media my side of the story, and it is long overdue Manning is able to do the same. As Manning has now done, I stipulated as to all the facts for which I was accused. And I did that for several reasons, and I suspect that Manning had the same motives.

Can I share with you a concern about Care2 and other Social Media?The governments of the USA, Canada and other NATO countries are using Social Media in the same way George Orwell forecast in his classic 1984. Orwell was writing from his perspective having witnessed the British government funded social and economic 'hate' programs against Nazi Germany of World War Two.  Orwell could see how easily the English people descended into intense hate for the German, Austrian, Italian, Romanian, Japanese and other Axis nationals.

Today these same mono-lectic hate campaigns through carefully orchestrated Social Media are being used by resource hungry governments with xenophobic agendas to muster popular support in order to arm rebels to destroy Afghanistan, Iraq, bomb Libya and other campaigns in a false "Arab spring".  Israel, the USA, Canada in this order are the three highest armament, component and security industry producers per capita on the planet.  Other NATO countries follow closely and every military nation on earth now has some devoted web presence.  Military personnel and armament industry employees are being instructed / hired to spend part and even all of their days in spreading their messages of xenophobic war producing hate on social media.  When ever there is a war going on somewhere on the planet, it is providing jobs and profits for those nations who make war their business.

Social Media can be used to support dialectic, two sided dialogue discussions / 'debates' (French 'de' = 'undo' + 'bate' = 'the fight') among differing parties.  Our Sustainable Development Corporation and Indigene Community www.indigenecommunity.info use a method called Both Sides Now, equal time recorded dialogues as a simplified easy to use method in our community building work.  Care2 is welcome to use this letter or any of our materials to take Social Media from monologues to dialogues between opposing sides. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/structure/1-both-sides-now-article  Dialogue is the 'truth-search' Satyagraha path to peace.

Please follow the following Link to Libya Gaddafi and Libya's Green Movement.  These facts are supported by many statements made by Libyans and by international observers.  We know the media and governments are lying when they only present one side of any story.  Since the beginning of Al Qaeda's occupation of some areas, Gaddafi called for international observers and even troops to intervene and verify for themselves.  He openly called for international mediation.  All these open offers were ignored by Canada, USA and NATO and Al Qaeda in Libya.

Canadian News Link to Libya http://www.agoracosmopolitan.com/news/intrnational/2011/11/01/1454.html


And now Syria  http://www.commondreams.org/video/2012/02/08  Pepe Escobar from Asian Times  US will continue to arm anti-government mostly foreign mercenaries & some rebels in Syria after veto.  Russia and China not wanting another repeat of Libya bombardment, regime-change and assassination have vetoed UN resolutions for intervention.  7 February 2012.


RE: NATO Attacks upon Libya.  Is this our involvement in one more ‘just’ war? Or just one more war? & an ‘indigenous’ (Latin = ‘self-generating’) ‘Satyagraha’ (Hindi ‘truth-search’) response. Humanitarian Bombing of Libya?  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FswUTUssPFc  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tExaihGSlnw    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49TOmo3CZOU     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIYtkemI0bk

Soon Iran?  War drums can be replaced by Both Sides Now Equal Time Recorded & Published Dialogues.  http://www.thrivemovement.com/thrive-movie-foster-gamble-analysis-of-war-with-iran-follow-the-money.blog

The Petrodollar, Iran and Gold - What You Need to Know


Iran,  http://seekingalpha.com/article/348261-iran-the-dollar-and-financial-warfare

Massive Military Buildup Reported Around Iran


USS Enterprise - Possible False Flag  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ufdw21ltc-8

I would rather just be focusing my attention on enhancing the wonderful abundance of the natural world at my doorstep and human ability to live in harmony through abundance and friendship.  The human heritage of ‘indigenous’ (Latin = ‘self-generating’) abundance and friendship is told in the Indigene Community website.

Yet once again, the Finance-Media-Military-Industrial-Complex through its ownership of our supposed government is using our monetary and technological wealth to kill and main in yet another country.  Canada as one of the most energy and material consumptive countries of the world as well as one of the highest per capita producer of armaments, is addicted and mesmerized to scarcity-causing artificial science and technologies even as they kill us and ruin our world.  I hope you will find the e-links to peaceful solutions given here, useful.  Attached are a number of documents which present perspectives on Libya not available in mainstream news.  Some have angry accusatory portions not necessarily called for but at least standing up to stop the bombs. It is time we disengage from the violence of our system and engage with the strength of life.  We can tell when we are being lied to when only one perspective in monologues against one government, individual or another. There is never a situation where Both Sides can not be presented equally recorded 'dialogues' allowing both perspectives to be heard, read and / or seen.  https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/structure/both-sides-now-equal-time-recorded-dialogues


Humanity has entered a new phase just this last month of March 2011, predicted by George Orwell in his book 1984, in which a conjuncture of electronic social, mainstream, alternative and national-intelligence-service media have developed unprecedented social infiltration.  Depressing media continually fills the attention of minds to instil continual passive non-involvement.  In the third world this mind - penetration through social and other media is being exploited for immediate negative impact such as massive street mobilizations, violence and forced change of government.  Facebook and other social media by convening messages of ‘hate’ (negative dissent) have attained a popular outreach in circulated messages, orchestrated by foreign national intelligence for our own self-serving purposes.  The ability to bring down anygovernment within weeks is eminently received by our press.  It will seem threatening to us for the violent anarchy created, when our own peace and security is at risk.


The focus of these ‘hates’ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two_Minutes_Hate as first described by Orwell from his own experiences in Britain during the 2nd World War against the Axis and following during the cold war against the Soviets, is to channel human technological society inspired anxiety against perceived enemies and reinforce support of technological regime.  The same angst we are feeling here is also felt worldwide through our imposed media, ownership and lifestyle control.  For most of us it is a numbness, not of sharing to make community work but a seeking of isolation from the storm.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8y06NSBBRtY&feature=related    Dwight Eisenhower in 1961 at the end of his eight year presidency and role as United States military chief of staff and allies supreme general takes a step of warning the US nation about the unprecedented influence of the military industrial complex in the creation of perpetual war.


Libya is only one more step of media-led indignation, manufactured dissent or what Israel’s Moshe Dayan once reached for as “Operation Justified Vengeance”.  Western gluttony of world resources and energy is maintained by well financed intelligence networks in constant implantation, arming or destabilization of 3rd world governments. Our extreme daily dependence upon oil (mostly the automobile), jet transport, nuclear, coal, hydro, corn-fuel and energy intense lifestyle for both necessities and constant lifestyle distraction is putting pressures on ecologies, economies, foreign populations and their governments to constantly be in war readiness for western pleasures.  Libya is governed by or reaching for a form of direct democracy described in the Green Book. https://docs.google.com/viewer?url=http://911-truth.net/other-books/Muammar-Qaddafi-Green-Book-Eng.pdf&pli=1  The attached documents may surprise you considering what our corporate press and government officials are feeding us.


Few are probably aware that in the middle of March 2011 less than a month ago, Saif Al Islam Gaddafi, Muammar Gaddafi’s second eldest son, invited NATO forces and the USA to “occupy eastern Libya” where most of Libya’s dissent has arisen.  Saif had confidence that NATO and the USA would see for themselves the aggression of the Al Qaeda militants in those areas and be convinced in Libya’s cause.  Let us suppose however that as in every nation on earth, the rebels have at least some just cause as does the Libyan government.  How can this diversity of perspectives find common cause?

Following are links to 14 internationally respected voices familiar with Libya who have been to Libya and interacted with Muammar Gaddafi and the majority of Libyans come away with a positive view of Libya’s Green movement, opposite to what our western Media including most internet social media sources are reporting.  My own views are simply a distillation of what I have heard from both sides and hatred for violence along with analysis based on following the money.

1.    Libya and Beyond.  How did we get there and what happens next?   by US Senator Dennis Kucinich Ohio, August 2011  http://www.kucinich.house.gov/news/email/show.aspx?ID=F3HQ774EW6NWK7Q6QYNH4JJZJM

2.    Jean-Paul Pougala’s Why the West Wants the Fall of Gaddafi? An Analysis in Defence of the Libyan Raishttp://www.rightsmonitoring.org/2011/04/why-the-west-wants-the-fall-of-gaddafi-an-analysis-in-defense-of-the-libyan-rais/

3.    JW Smith, Institute for Economic Democracy, Visit to Libya 2005 Round Table on Democracy http://www.radford.edu/gmartin/Libya%20RT%20on%20Demo.htm

4.    Vijay Prashad, Libya: * Who Are the Rebels? 30th Mar 2011 in Common Dreams Based on* WikiLeaks US government intelligence, http://www.commondreams.org/newswire/2011/03/30-12

5.    Mailread Corrigan Maguire, Nobel Peace recipient, Ohio  State Violence & Killing is not the Answer http://gandhiinaction.ning.com/profiles/blog/show?id=5013308%3ABlogPost%3A9375&commentId=5013308%3AComment%3A9478&xg_source=activity

6.    Georgia Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, On Libya YouTubehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhDaK7Yg5d0

7.    Texas Senator Ron Paul, We May Have Helped Radical Jihadistshttp://www.thestatecolumn.com/articles/ron-paul-on-libya-we-may-have-helped-radical-jihadists/

8.    Black Star News Ethnic Cleansing of Black Libyans by NATO led Rebels http://www.blackstarnews.com/news/135/ARTICLE/7478/2011-06-21.html                                                Bengazi Rebels lynching blacks in Libyahttp://www.blackstarnews.com/news/135/ARTICLE/7536/2011-07-23.html

9.    Jason Hamlin Invasion of Libya was about Gaddafi’s Plan to Introduce Gold Dinar as the African Union’s continental currency for all of Libya’s oil transactions.  Saving the world from Gaddafi-Gold Dinar http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLJu0X14vmg

10.Pan African News Wire Ghaddafi a Hero for African Rights and Liberation 27 Mar 2011 Cynthia McKinney http://panafricannews.blogspot.com/2011/03/ghaddafi-hero-for-african-rights-and.html

11.The Truth About Mercenaries in Libya http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42lZyIMkSns&feature=related Al Jazeera News is racist media against Black Libyan people.  Muammar Gaddafi supported and employed Black people in Libya.  Arabs carry hatred, prejudice and superiority against black.

12.Timeline of United States military operations 1775 – 2011 If you are not aware of an ongoing pattern of war and armament on the part of the USA and Canada you may be surprised to learn that we haven’t missed a year of invading somewhere in the world since the founding of our colonial nations.  As one of the top three armament and military component manufacturers worldwide in tangent with the USA # 2 / capita, Canadians  as # 3 / capita are employed and feeding our families and living the illusion of prosperity as long as there is a war going on somewhere in the world.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_United_States_military_operations

13.Muammar Ghaddafi The Green Book  http://911-truth.net/other-books/Muammar-Qaddafi-Green-Book-Eng.pdf

14.Louis Farrakhan giving his opinion on the topic on a Chicago radio interview. Do you agree with his statements?  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fer_-JE2Sb8

15. http://www.commondreams.org/headline/2012/09/06-5    Published on Thursday, September 6, 2012 by Common Dreams   Report Reveals Widespread CIA Torture Alongside Gaddafi’s Libya. New accounts of waterboarding, abuses in secret prisons reveal larger scope of Bush torture than previously known

16. Nick Turse Describes the Real Vietnam War in an interview by Bill Moyers   BillMoyers.com PRO 8 Feb. 2013  https://vimeo.com/59211983   Turse, who devoted 12 years to tracking down the true story of Vietnam, unlocked secret troves of documents, interviewed officials and veterans -- including many accused of war atrocities -- and traveled throughout the Vietnamese countryside talking with eyewitnesses to create his book, Kill Anything That Moves: The Real American War in Vietnam.



Humanity’s long universal international ‘Indigenous’ (Latin = ‘self-generating’) heritage holds deep comprehensive traditions of peace which have been the mainstay of human history on earth before the present period.  The Indigenous Circle of Lifehttps://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/home/indigenous-circle-of-life  represents a constellation of interactive social-economic practices for strengthening ourselves as individuals and as society.  Mohandas Gandhi’s ‘Satyagraha’ (‘Truth-search’) holds key elements of these traditions.  Humans are social creatures by nature, so that we exist always in relations with others mirrored to our relations with ourselves.  Threats to relations cause anxiety.  The good news is that we can strengthen human solidarity, compassion, nurture, and mutual-aid.

1.     SATYAGRAHA Mohandas Gandhi led the way with ‘Satyagraha’, literally ‘Truth-search’ in which he advocated that we inquire with our friends and enemies as to their “best intentions” in the acts they are engaging of and how we might aid them to accomplish these intensions.  Gandhi as a lawyer was trained in dialectic (two-sided) dialogical engagement and its role for humans in conflict and collaboration.

2.     DIALOGUE “Words are stronger than swords”.  Around the world where Canadian manufactured bombs are dropping, we can turn to populations and offer to support them in ‘debate’ (French ‘de’ = ‘undo’ + ‘bate’ = ‘the fight’) with all parties.  We can support a ‘Dialectic Right’ for each person and communities to engage in dialogue with their fellows at all levels including: individuals, families, extended families, schools, corporations, governments, military and institutions).  When dialogue results are published, in the same way as we are being presently influenced to act negatively by media hate propaganda, so can whole populations be influenced to act positively in care and mutual aid through dialectic expression. Both Sides Now, equal time recorded dialogue offers a local accessible system of both research and conflict resolution.  https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/structure/both-sides-now-equal-time-recorded-dialogues

3.     SOLIDARITY https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/relational-economy/solidarity Reduce back to a human scale of interacting with the world.  Know that everytime we are spending a dollar or our time, we are voting and making a choice.  We can choose once our basic needs are met to invest (not charity but accounted for stewardship) in the well being of each person and humanity as a whole.  Just as drug, alcohol and cigarette addicts do not need their mood enhancing fixes, so each of us do not need energy, material or technological fixes to make us happy.  In fact the local time, place, scale and circumstances at which we each live and even boredom, sadness and quietness are deeply meaningful and revealing to ourselves, the ecology and biosphere.  Taoists have an expression called “Wei Wu Wei”, “Doing not-doing” in realising humanity’s mission on earth, being still, to allow the voice of the earth to speak through ourselves and visa versa.  Not nature as a commodity, which we drive or fly to, but as a conscious being in which we are constantly immersed.

Douglas Jack Indigene Community www.indigenecommunity.info project coordinator, LaSalle, Quebec, H8R 1X9

Please review the following attached five articles in order to gain balancing perspectives on Libya at the bottom of the page under Attachments:

Douglas Jack, douglasf.jack@gmail.com www.indigenecommunity.info 514-365-9594, LaSalle-Montreal,  Quebec, Canada H8R 1X9