1) How to Grow Your Own Raw Vegan Food Garden


Show #1 IN SERIES http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBM3R-J2Ntc

RAW VEGAN GARDENING - How to grow a raw vegan garden with biodiversity in an urban setting. Douglas Jack (Indigene Community Founder - educated by Dukobour, Mennonite, Quaker & First Nations peoples) takes us on a tour through the wonders of raw vegan backyard gardening. Learn how to feed yourself and family. Learn how to grow your food in harmony with nature. A polyculture orchard is easy and abundant. Our indigenous ancestors know how to create a sustainable agriculture. Also known as permaculture, forest gardens, agroforestry; this the first show of an ongoing series. Brought to you by Indigene Community, Healing Inspirations & Vision Media Communications.

For more information contact: Douglas Jack, presenter (514) 365-9594, Lawrence Levin producer (514) 984-9626

Show 2, 8 minutes 9 sec. Grapes, Staghorn-Sumac, Bartlett-Pears, Cherry-Tomatoes, berries & more.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4EkJDU1Tt4

Show 3, 6 min. 22 sec. Crab Apples summer/winter, Himalayan Balsam flowers & seeds, strawberries, Lambsquarter leaves & seeds, Sprucebuds,  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fx9lmCwBTjE

Show 4, 5min.30 sec. Gathering, living, collaborating in proximity, female-male among generations Show – 4.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nu4gxoKPrRY

Series explores indigenous practices of 3-dimensional food production in the Polyculture Orchard.  As this is the 1st in the series, please provide your feedback, interests in future shows, question to douglasf.jack@gmail.com  & info@visionmediacom.com 

Tags:  Raw Vegan, Raw, Vegan, Polyculture, How To, How To Grow Your Own Food, Permaculture, Forest, Gardens, Agroforestry, Vegetarian, Health, Health Food, Biodiversity, Polyculture Orchard, Forest Gardens, Cooking, Raw Vegan Recipes, Recipe, Organic Gardening, Gardening, Organic Food, Organic Vegies, Urban Gardening, Urban Polyculture, Grow Your Own Food, Perennial, Home Gardening, Crops, Tree Food, Tree, Horticulture, Herbology, Medicinal Plant, Flower, Shrub, Grass, backyard gardening.