The SDC is a Canadian non-profit dedicated to the promotion of Ecological Design, which includes Environmental (with our world), Elemental (integrating 1)Air, 2) Water, 3) Earth states of gaseous, liquid and solid matter, 4) Energy in solar, fire etc and Life both vegetable and animal, Ergonomic design with the human body, 'Economic' from the Greek = 'care and nurture of the home and family'.  Our programs are designed to support each other in livelihood (food, shelter, clothing, warmth and health) during the process of making a living.  Supporting people and processes are key to reaching our goals together.

Contact: Douglas Jack Ou-ee-ii-jay-ii  douglasf.jack@gmail.com  douglasjack@indigenecommunity.info

Contact our organisation and activities through addresses given below.  Indigenous communities worldwide were renowned for their welcomes.  When Dutch, English, French Europeans made contact with Turtle Island's north-east, they were greeted sincerely with economic welcome and sustenance by First Nation peoples who were simultaneously being devastated (some estimate a 96% population loss refer to 1491 compilation by Charles C. Mann and Their Number Become Thinned by Henry F. Dobyns) recoiling from Eurasian-african disease epidemics brought overland through First Nation trade routes from the Gulf of Mexico.  However First Nations responded pro-actively to economically welcome the diseased and hungry newcomers and put forth the Two-Row-Wampum treaty as a guide to our growth and welbeing.  Coming from warring European nations in Feudal society who had lost our indigenous heritage, we had forgotten our own, didn't understand or respond to these 3-dimensional gifts of human and ecological science which would have healed our ecological destruction and war.  Welcoming capacity for sustainable development is the main theme of Indigene Community website www.indigenecommunity.info  based in economic accounting, governance, multi-home domestic-unity and mixed multi-level orchard food production efficiencies.  We hope you will become part of our individual and group initiative to recreate indigenous welcome in the world today.


Please contact: Douglas Jack, project coordinator by email to: douglasjack@indigenecommunity.info or douglasf.jack@gmail.com

House of Dialogue, ADDRESS: 9662 Jean-Milot, LaSalle, H8R 1X9, Quebec, Canada TELEPHONE:514-365-9594 

Sustainable Development Corporation (Canadian Non-Profit since 1994),

Indigene Community www.indigenecommunity.info

Eco-Montreal Tiohtiake Green Map www.eco-montreal.mcgill.ca  bilingue

Tsi Tetsionitiotiakon Sustainability Rooted in Heritage http://cbed.geog.mcgill.ca/WIP.html   Traduction en francaise disponible.

Indigenous Welcome and Orchard Food Production Efficiencies  http://dcnstrct.org/indigenous/

Canadian Cohousing Network: http://canadacohousing.ning.com/group/montrealindigenecommunity

http://canadacohousing.ning.com/forum/topics/montreal-calculating    articles affiché


Fellowship of Intentional Communities: http://directory.ic.org/22331/Indigene_Tiohtiake_Community_Latin_com_together_munus_gift_or_service


Individuals and groups involved in Indigene Community are bringing together critical numbers of people in apartment and townhouse complexes where as non-profit Mutual-Aid groups we can collaborate and gain individual and community ownership using indigenous practices.


LaSalle Gardens a 1950s Canadian Federal housing development from the Canadian Mortgage & Housing Corporation CMHC is our conceiving community.  LaSalle is refered to on old maps because of its location 'on-the-rapids' as Kahnawake.  Some of us refer to LaSalle (a borough of Montreal's urban metropolis) as Kahnawake-north in respect to true indigenous sovereignty and heritage here as part of Tsi Tetsiontitiotiakon (Montreal island), Tiohtiake (archipelago of islands in the greater Montreal region refered to by some as 'Place where the nations and their rivers, unite and divide') and Kanien'keh (Land of the people of the flint, Kanien'kehaka or Mohawk) which stretches as well from Albany, New York to Lake Ontario part of the People of the Longhouse, Rotinosaunee (Haudenosaunee) Confederacy of Mohawk, Oneida, Cayuga, Onondaga and Seneca nations.  Some consider Turtle Island (Onowaragen or North America) as a network of confederacies.