2) Participatory ACCOUNTING

  QUIPU                                                QUIIPU                WAMPUM BELT  WAMPUM STRING


Power Point Presentation 15.9 Mb attached ZIP (compressed file) Audio Narration below on various economic aspects of Indigene Participatory Accounting (micro) and Mapping (macro). Once having downloaded the file, open the Power Point and on the Top Tool Bar  Included in the PP click on SLIDE SHOW tab (between Animations and Review) at the top of the screen, then go to the 'FROM BEGINNING' or  'FROM CURRENT SLIDE' tabs on the upper far left, the Power Point Slide Show will open up in full screen with narration over 54 slides for 25.7 minutes.  You may navigate from page to page by clicking on the LEFT & RIGHT arrow keys. This Power Point Narrated Slide Show is also available at the top of the A. Home & Introduction section as a Google doc download.  An unnarrated version is found in the non-Viewer mode with the side-bar of slides showing.


QUIPU from 3000 BC (calculator and record keeping)

QUIPU (String Calculator)


WAMPUM STRING (Calculator and Value string)


We live in a web of influences, which have been built over thousands of years for which the greater part of our population are quite unaware.  A small minority are beginning to parse together the meaning of our social and environmental crisis.  These slides give an average viewer an overview to be able to understand our strengths for influencing this web.  Mohandas Gandhi identified our challenge as "Become the change which you want to see in the world".  Our indigenous heritage gives us the specific tools.


Around the world on every continent Time-based human-resource accounting for every contribution by female-male / young-old /able & differentially abled is differentially recognized in a system of progressive ownership in the means of production for every specialty.  The accounting cycle integrates 1. 'Capital' (Latin 'cap' = 'head' = 'wisdom'), 2. 'Currency' ('flow'), 3. Condolence (Social Security), 4. Math-based communication with time-management as its foundation, 5. Collegial-education (Mentored-apprenticeship) etc. Here's Wiki on worldwide universal Shell-money  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shell_money  Is this indigenous self-generating sustainable universal system more advanced than our fragmented monetary, capital, social-security accounting & value systems?

INDIGENE PARTICIPATORY CATALOGUING, MAPPING & ACCOUNTING POWER POINT -see description of 28 slides below as well as text within each slide. Google Drive pptx:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-qKn1Od5a2eN1pRT3RWMWlCS0U/edit?usp=sharing 

PDF file is usually a bit more universally viewable:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-qKn1Od5a2edkdZM3drNTdQVGc/edit?usp=sharing

Down load from this e-link (un-narrated) or attachment at bottom of page. 

INDIGENE PARTICIPATORY ACCOUNTING (micro) & MAPPING (macro) an AUDIO NARRATED SLIDE SHOW Power-Point guided tour of multi-stakeholder accounting practices through 54 slides: 1) Please click on the Attachment at bottom of page in blue & download the Google stored Power Point compressed document at 15.9 Mb.          2) Once downloaded as a ZIP file, then open as a Microsoft Power Point File 29.8 mb.          3) On the top tool bar following from Home, Insert, Design, Animations click on SLIDE SHOW  4) then on the left hand side click on FROM BEGINNING or FROM CURRENT SLIDE.  This will begin a 26 minute guided Audio Power Point Presentation of the 54 slides.

Indigenous Participatory and time-based Human Resource Accounting practices across Founder,  Worker, Supplier and Consumer stakeholder Member contributions and Associations are counter-intuitive for those trained to think in only monetary capital, currency, accounting, collegial and communication terms.  For those who take the time, it is an eye-opener or world-view changer.  The PPpresentation is complementary to the indigenous economic and social concepts presented in the rest of this Indigene Community website.


Included in the Slide Show once the Power Point Slide Show opens up in full screen with narration over 54 slides for 25.7 minutes. The left / right arrows as well allow you to navigate by choice from slide to slide.  At the bottom of the screen is some volume control.  The PPPresentation is timed over 54 slides during 26 minutes.  Press the Escape key to exit at any time.


LASALLE GARDENS MUTUAL AID COMMITTTEE  You Tube Douglas Jack oueeiijayii  11th Novembre, 2011 Community Building Part 1.  http://www.youtube.com/my_videos_edit?video_id=MF3hpiuX5rI 

Part 2. String Shell Accounting Values Capital, Currency, Social Security, Communication, Collegial Production Society Specialties http://www.youtube.com/my_videos_edit?video_id=c7A7JhkMO10 


Attached below is a Narrated Power Point Slide Show Power Point Presentation on the following 54 slides (eg. 00:06 = minutes:seconds) per slide.  This PPP is available on the HOME & INTRODUCTION page as well


Indigene Participatory Accounting and Mapping:

Narrated Talk for 54 Slides with Titles and Narration time per slide. Total 25.7 minutes

WHO'S COUNTING       film 94 minutes on Marilyn Waring http://www.nfb.ca/film/whos_counting/

The National Film Board of Canada created a film on the work of Marilyn Waring, who was member of the New Zealand parliament at 24 years old, Chair of the government Public Accounts committee, has written an excellent work on Time-Based Accounting as  If Women Counted or Counting for Nothing.  This 94 minute long film is essential for helping the mind out of 'money-only' evaluation and accounting habits and into the real currency which forms our life and society.  Marilyn describes Time-Based accounting as it applies to domestic work in our homes as well as a broader function nationally and internationally.  Marilyn's work has influenced governments internationally to evaluate and include women's domestic (in the home) work, contributions to systems of Public Health as well as some community services in systems of National Accounts.  See also her Books, Documentaries work and awards at Institute of Public Policy, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand http://www.ipp.org.nz/MWaringBooksandDocumentaries.pdf

WHAT IS THE WORLD WORTH? Film 78 minutes recording conference with Pavan Sukhdev in August 2010 with Australian Broadcasting Corporation THE ECONOMICS OF ECO-SYSTEMS & BIO-DIVERSITY  TEEB

http://fora.tv/2010/08/03/Pavan_Sukhdev_What_Is_the_World_Worth  Excellent Full Cost Accounting lecture, demonstration and commentary by panel including Pavan Sukhdev, Moderator Miriam Lyons, Center for Policy Development, Peter Cosier, Wentworth center of Concerned Scientists, Paul Gilding author of Great Disruption on Climate Change, Jennifer Westacott, Sustainability, Climate-Change & Water for Low Carbon Economy   http://www.teebweb.org/

Pavan Sukhdev bio: http://www.teebweb.org/AboutTEEB/Personnel/BiographyofStudyLeader/tabid/1080/Default.aspx