'Community' from the Latin = 'com' = 'together' + 'munus' = 'gift or service'.  CIES is a means by which residents of apartment and townhouse buildings can facilitate Mutual-Aid groups and learn about each other's gifts, services or articles for sale through a web-based Human Resource Catalogue.  Multi-home buildings have the critical economies of scale for many residents providing goods and services within buildings and to surrounding community neighbourhoods or further.



Residents fill out Personal Resource Forms on the Human Resource Catalogue and add pictures, sound and video to websites on-line.  The web listing gives a community contact by which interested purchases express their interest in goods or services.  The community office sends a notice of interest in the purchase.  The buyer and vendor are then connected through the vendor's contact address, contact is made and once the goods or services have been rendered, then a debit is made from the buyer's account and a credit is made to the vendor's account.  The vendor builds past a minimum level of investment and then may spend their credits.  Vendors usually ask for market prices at their will but as well may stipulate the proportions of cash or credit which they will accept in each transaction.   Web advertised Sales rates are fixed for goods and services, but should stipulate quantity discount rates, installation services, fees / rates, transportation arrangements and charges and any other variable charges.



The CIES charges 8% for sales, advertising and administration costs as well as a 7% compulsory share investment by the vendor payable from the vendor's account.  Vendors become voting share owners through the process of their transactions in a Supplier Association.  Consumer members may as well become involved in Frequent Buyer Programs whereby they are invested in the system and receive share credits for their purchases in a Consumer Association.  Those who invest time and resources into the research, development, organisation and creation of the CIES system are credited with shares in the Founder Association.  Those who operate the system are given options to invest a part of their salary package into share ownership.  Employee Stock Ownership Savings Plans ESOSP are non-taxable until shares are withdrawn such as at retirement in Registered Retirement Savings Plan RRSP and as well may be placed into Registered Home Ownership Savings Plans RHOSP.



With Founders, Workers, Suppliers and Consumers all invested and represented in the corporation, each has invested interest, experience / expertise /decision-making acumen and part of a collective intelligence to design and operate the system most efficiently and collaboratively.  Each communicates through their respective Associations.  All members will have involvement in one or more Associations and therefore the ability to bridge perspectives.



Federal and Provincial (State) Taxes are charged as each jurisdiction requires, however Mutual Aid CIES groups will negotiate with government authorities for rates which reflect the community material recycling, lowered transportation costs and carbon burden on governments, local infrastructure facilities replacing central facilities, apprenticeship training of local expertise / youth and other benefits.


Please find attached: LaSalle Community Investment & Exchange System,  English: Human Resource Catalogue, Francaise: Catalogue des ressources humaines & Espanol: Catalogo de Recursos Humanos