7) Canada #1 War Monger




As a Canadian, I would like to propose that Canada is a much larger belligerent aggressor per capita in the world than media, the public and organizations like the United Nations recognize. Canada's silent role as a (perhaps 'the') major world leader in living off of the trade proceeds of war, death, injury and destruction, remains outside public consciousness. Canada and the USA seem to act as indivisible twins of death, yet Canada hides behind a media-military-industrial-complex which continues to portray Canada as a 'pacifist' nation.

Canada has only 33,000,000 people, 1/10th the US population and seemingly not a leader, when in fact the world's leading aggressor. This article addresses Canada's infamy 'per-capita' meaning livelihood generation 'per-person' in energy, materials & arms as proportions of our national economy. We can understand both Canada and the US as leading aggressors, # 1 & 2, because of un-matched histories of colonial genocide against the First Nations of the Americas, which form our 'world-view'. Mutual-Aid and compassion are not the foundations of the societies we have formed. We've only barely gained a sense of the massacre in which we are involved as part of our lifestyles and colonial-chauvinistic attitudes. The Residential-Schools death / abuse is a point of popular confusion but not yet of moral direction.

In the following seven categories A – G, Canada is and has been for over 150 years (# = Number):

A. # 1 Mine developer and mineral extractor around the world per capita as found in Canada's mining corporations. Simultaneously Canada is the world's worst recycler of metals in terms of not reducing, reusing or recycling domestic, commercial or industrial metals.

B. # 1 Forestry exploiter around the world per capita as found in Canada's forestry corporations. Simultaneously Canada is the world's worst recycler of wood and paper products in terms of not reducing, reusing or recycling domestic, commercial or industrial paper & wood products.

C. # 1 Energy developer, infrastructure supplier and consumer per capita, primarily from Hydro electric dams but as well from Canada's CANDU nuclear reactors in Canada and worldwide. Canadians are the most consumptive worldwide users per capita of electricity, natural gas and oil. Canadians are the world's worst energy consumers in terms of not: avoiding conserving (eg. Insulation), reducing (eg. 1/10th of Canadians have 2nd home as a cottage), reusing (complementary design for capturing such as waste-heat), transforming (eg. Passive Solar design)

D. # 1 Consumer worldwide per capita for all major non-renewable materials. Canadians identify themselves & lifestyles as consumers, without reserve buying plastics, metals, wood, paper & composite things for every occasion. Superfluous use of non-essential energy and things, in a finite world sadly displace human relationship. Where most humans don't have access to these for essential services because of foreign ownership of their lands and resources, then superfluous-use is a lost opportunity for human solidarity and relationship. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/relational-economy/solidarity

E. # 1 Source of Depleted Uranium per capita. The Depleted Uranium coated artillery, ammunition, bomb and missile shell-covered bombing of sites is an extreme war-crime against Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Iran, Pakistan, Libya, now Syria and other countries wherever our depleted uranium is used as a shell casing for penetration of all forms of defensive cladding in buildings, vehicles and equipment. These nations and all humanity are victims of this Canadian-made radio-active warfare.  Please watch this film by the International Coalition to Ban Uranium Weapons ICBUW  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlGPtBX0IRY&feature=youtu.be  as well as sign the petition at   http://www.change.org/en-GB/petitions/change-the-us-un-vote-on-depleted-uranium-weapons-this-fall

or      http://tinyurl.com/cabkntx

F. # 1 Source of Refined-Uranium for Nuclear Power per capita. Canada's heavy-handed uranium-energy industry which is key to nuclear arms development such as India and Pakistan's nuclear arms programs is a crime against humanity. The spreading of human genetics and health damaging materials or technology, never responsible for constant spill-releases, accidents, mine tailings, refinement wastes and finally massive volumes of highly radioactive post energy production wastes radioactive with no reliable storage for millions of years.

G. # 3 Arms Producer and Sales per capita (after Israel, USA) when the above six raw material and energy factors are added to Canada's already high standing in advanced weapons system components. Canada is # 1 supplier of major arms components / capita to the US arms system per capita in both assembly and parts supply.

99.999% of Canadians are completely unaware of their nefarious status as world leaders in the above categories. Careless and destructive consumption and production are part of our colonial worldview, taking what we feel are god-given resources without consciousness of the suffering we cause for others in the destruction of their eco-systems and biospheres for our extractive resource policies. It seems from Canada's military involvement in arming insurgents in dozens of countries worldwide but particularly in Islamic and Hispanic American countries, way out of proportion to our population, that Canadians are world leaders in war on Islam and attempts to destabilize dozens of countries worldwide.

Even as Canadian governments occasionally may take an official non-intervention stance, our industries fully arm insurgents and support belligerents such as the USA in destabilization programs for acquisition of resources and geo-political advantage.

No public controls or conditions are ever placed on Canadian arms and component exports to belligerents and insurgents worldwide. This was true of our role as # 1 supplier / capita of the US war-effort in Vietnam where we paid no war reparations for the results of the Canadian arms industry collusion in decades of destruction in the Vietnamese abundant Polyculture orchards and many dozens of conflicts in which Canada has played a role in stirring-up and festering dissent. Presently social-media is being used to foster what George Orwell characterized as 'hates' in his book '1984' mirroring his experience of 'hates' against the Axis powers during World War II. Social Media has the great unused potential to bring both sides of conflict into dialogue through formal debate. Canadian corporations are always #1 war-benefactors per capita in the world. Is Canada the dog that wags the US war tail? In order to bring the US government in alignment with world law, the issue of its silent but belligerent war-twin Canada will have to be addressed.


Douglas Jack, Sustainable Development Corporation, Indigene Community


Thanks for all these comments. When we look at per-capita (per-person) activity, we then gain a portrait of a people's qualities. 'Canada-Actually-the-Worst' poses that Canadians are leaders in world demise, but this shouldn't be a surprise looking at Canada's origins as part of the aggressive genocidal conquest of the Americas. if immigrants to the Americas had and can still honour 'indigenous' (Latin = 'self-generating') First Nation laws and customs, we can restore ecological harmony and abundance for all. Indigene Community compiles indigenous economic practice for sustainable development in our time as a whole systems design approach.www.indigenecommunity.info

As many comments point out there are large discrepancies in how nations report on consumption and production of energy, materials, war armaments etc.  Canada's colonial government French & English has been on a linear extractive exploitive drive now for a couple of hundred years.  We've lived by exporting raw materials and goods abroad without much attention to conservation and complementary collaborative use of resources among shared resource harvesting and development.  Colonial populations in Canada don't have long settlement histories in comparison with cultures around the world.  We rejected First Nation welcomes and then have tried to impose our own European styles upon the landscape and economy. These 'exogenous' (Latin = 'other-generated') qualities of Canadian society don't plan for or recognize limited resources and human-resource strengths to efficiently harvest them.  Our colonial institutional model is based upon 'deficits or weaknesses' for which our schools and businesses try to overcome through military regimes and hierarchies to supposedly fill the empty mind.  I've gathered Canada's # 1 status over the decades from a wide range of reports and admit that the figures may be old and in need of a better up-to-date comparative analysis. Canada's status as # 1 energy consumer takes place in a context of our northern climate, yet lack of corresponding conservation culture.  In comparison with much more northern European societies such as Russia, Norway, Poland, Denmark and Sweden, we are far behind.  In comparison with countries anywhere in the world where cultural lineage is thousands of years old, Canada's waste is abhorrent.

CANADA THE WAR MONGER  Part 2, Calculating Consumption & Aggression


Part of the problem of stating Canada’s position/status as a war-monger is found in the reporting mechanisms and standards which are based in colonial exploitive values and qualities which do not undergo the comparative analysis of open ‘debate’ (French ‘de’ = ‘undo’ + ‘bate’ = ‘the fight’.


When we look at per-capita (per-person) activity, we then gain a portrait of a nation / people or industrial culture's qualities. 'Canada-Actually-the-Worst' poses that Canadians as an integral part of the NATO Media-Military-Industrial-Complex are leaders in world demise, but this shouldn't be a surprise considering Canada's origins as part of the aggressive genocidal conquest of the Americas.  President Dwight Eisenhower even after leading the Allied war effort as US supreme general warned in his Farewell Address at the end of his presidential term in 1961, about the Military-Industrial-Complex.


This militarization of the US and Canada started with our genocide of First Nations.  Indigenous peoples invited us to live among them and enjoy the abundance, which they had created.  They had no idea that we are so distorted as to cut down their productive polyculture orchards and the subsequent ecological exploitation and destruction we were programmed as ‘pioneers’ (Latin ‘pion’ = ‘pawn’) of empire to undertake.  If immigrants to the Americas had and can still honour 'indigenous' (Latin = 'self-generating') First Nation laws and customs, we can learn about living in peace for human and ecological relations.  We can restore ecological harmony and abundance for all.  Indigenous economic practice for sustainable development in our time as a whole systems design approach is compiled by Indigene Community www.indigenecommunity.info


28 diverse comment-responses to the original article in ‘War is a Crime’ e-news article Canada Actually the Worst , show a diversity of concerns for peace and justice.  Some point out the need for sources on Canada’s status yet there are large discrepancies in how nations report on consumption and production of energy, materials, war armaments etc. Canada's colonial government French & English has been on a linear extractive exploitive drive now for a couple of hundred years since the invasions began. We've lived by exporting raw materials and goods abroad without much attention to whole cycle regeneration, conservation and complementary collaborative use of resources among shared resource harvesting and development. Colonial populations in Canada don't have long settlement histories in comparison with cultures around the world.


Colonials rejected First Nation welcomes to join free economic democracies & then as pawns of hierarchic economy imposed European styles upon people, landscape & economy. 'Exogenous' (Latin = 'other-generated') qualities of Canadian society don't plan for or recognize limited resources & human-resource strengths to efficiently harvest them. Canada’s colonial institutional model is based upon 'deficits or weaknesses' for which schools & business construct military regimes & hierarchies. Rather than 'educate' (Latin = ‘to lead forth from within’) schools indoctrinate to supposedly fill the empty mind in a world of supposed scarcity. Canada's # 1 status as war-monger derives from these worldviews. # 1 energy & material consumer status takes place in a context of a northern climate, lacking a corresponding conservation culture. In comparison with much more northern European societies such as Russia, Norway, Poland, Denmark & Sweden, we're far behind. In comparison with countries anywhere in the world where cultural lineage is thousands of years old, Canada's waste of energy, resources & biosphere is abhorrent.  Because we don’t understand nature’s 3-dimensional abundance & align ourselves with 2-D fear of scarcity, we are at war with nature & life itself. Torturing & rendering of tortured subjects to third world imprisonment such as records revealed about USA imprisonment, torture & then rendering of subjects to Libya while feigning indignation to a subject regime. http://www.commondreams.org/headline/2012/09/06-5


When high energy and material consuming 1st world countries like Canada collaborate with the US superpower to develop geo-political economic advantage drawn from military coercion, aggression & threats to leverage control over 2nd (communist & post-communist) or 3rd world (previously indigenous) country human and physical resources, then how do we measure the consumption of the former and the latter?  Obviously massive energy, materials and finances are being diverted from primary national essential goods and services towards colonizing or destabilization programs and for protection from colonization-destabilization by these same 2nd & 3rd world countries.


When 1st world countries spend over 50% of their government expenditure such as the USA wrapped up in military and security infrastructure, work-force, army, police, jails etc. coercing domestic and foreign populations, how do we measure consumption?  Canada’s government traditionally spends less than 50% of its national budget on military-security issues, but our industry, commerce, institutions and government are so integrated with USA Media-Military-Industrial-Complex as to make them inseparable.  All nations of the world live in perpetual fear of our NATO team subterfuge and destabilization programs.


The following organizations have made great leaps forward in measuring consumption and ecological footprint of nations, but none of them address the question of coercion on the part of the aggressor nor defense on the part of the aggressed nation:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Energy-consumption-per-capita-2003.png Wikipedia Map

http://www.wri.org/   World Resources Institute

http://www.fcm.ca/Documents/reports/Ecological_Footprints_of_Canadian_Municipalities_and_Regions_EN.pdf   Ecological Footprint

www.ied.org   Institute for Economic Democracy  JW Smith compiles excellent information on international trade/plunder ‘agreements’.


JW Smith of the IED www.ied.org compiles statistics looking at unequal trade sanctions and impositions by 1st World upon 2nd and 3rd World countries.  IED considers participatory economic investment and ownership by multiple stakeholders as the solution to unequal trade.  Taking responsibility for our workplaces and monitoring trade as stakeholders negotiating within, brings humans back into the equation.


The Economic Categories and definitions used in National calculations and international comparisons are typically based in for 2-dimensional colonial economic values such as:  ‘farm-land’ (French ‘ferme’ is originally the contract of servitude between the aristocrat and the ‘peasant’) allocation or  ‘agriculture’ (Latin ‘ager’ = ‘field’).   Indigenous 3-D values such as polyculture orchards where food grows on multiple levels for all species.  The colonial mind and worldview has great difficulty understanding the complexity of polyculture systems.  When western colonials view the polyculture orchard continental human artifacts such as the Amazon polyculture orchards call them ‘forests’ (‘outside the door’), ‘jungles’ (Specific sense of "land overgrown by vegetation in a wild, tangled mass" is first recorded 1849; meaning "place notoriously lawless and violent" is first recorded 1906).


In fact these polyculture orchards (see 1491 New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus by Charles C. Mann) are planned multiple generational biosphere orchard creations by human stewarding communities.  The productivity of 3-dimensional indigenous Polyculture Orchards as documented by the United Nation’s UNESCO Agro-forestry studies, Henry F. Dobyns on Floridian Timucuan (Taino) peoples in Their Number Become Thinned, Permaculture, Forest Garden Societies and other practitioners worldwide,  is some 100 times (10,000%) more productive than that of 2-D ‘agriculture’ (L ‘ager’ = ‘field’).  All of exogenous industry and commerce miscalculations of GDP are founded in the fundamental ‘agriculture’ deficit, even as colonials unknowingly mis-inform ourselves saying that; “Agriculture is the foundation of civilization and the ‘greatest advances of human history’”.


The calculation of Polyculture orchard efficiencies starts with:  1) 3-D solar transformation through photosynthesis at 92 – 98% of the sun’s energy falling on a given area in the green leaf chlorophyll producing glucose, which is transformed into many other energy and physical construction biological programs.  Such massive absorption 2) creates Climate through an energy vacuum to which the warm moist ocean winds are drawn inland.   3) Agriculture Leaf Surface is only photosynthesizes 2 – 8% of solar energy, reflecting 90% of energy back into the troposphere.  4) Climate negation through high-pressure atmospheric energy pushes winds from continent back to sea causing first drying and then desertification.  5) Condensation on Leaf Surfaces 60% of ocean to continent water transfer occurs as condensation of these ocean winds on leaf surfaces.  6) Precipitation Only 40% of ocean to continent water transfer occurs as precipitation rain or snow.  7) Tree Root pumps being concerted, thick, penetrating and specialized, dissolve rock, transform carbons, descend as deep as the canopy tens of metres pumping water, mining minerals and creating massive nutrient colonies all of which feed surface biosphere.  8) Grass Roots only descend short centimetres being weak and feeble leave the earth’s substrate compacted and hard such as dense clays. 9) Mulching humus from fallen leaves and other materials gathered by indigenous peoples meant they worked constantly with soft soils penetrable by even a thumb or digging stick once the mulch is pulled back, easily sliding seed into soil.  10) Tree seeds are planted once in centuries.


Indigenous peoples refer to themselves as ‘sylvalizations’ (L ‘sylva’ = ‘tree’) based in often large human urban populations living in the middle of the Polyculture Orchard.  The Aymara and other peoples of the 3-D Amazon upon first contact were of such density that explorers described not being able to shoot an arrow in the sky without hitting a native.  Upon visiting Tenochtitlan (Mexico-city) in 1509, Cortes described the waters surrounding this artificial island as pure and clean.  Tenochtitlan practiced plant-based, such as floating garden bio-digestion of fecal material for 100% recycling of nutrients. Polyculture provides multi-dimensional services such as treatment of fecal matter, support of wildlife populations, cooling of the urban environment, storage of toxins, massive food and material abundance on site without transport dependency etc.  Massive 3-D abundance of Polyculture decentralized over the face of continental earth enabled peoples to live independently having equal voluntary trading with but without dependence upon foreign resources for hundreds of thousands if not millions of years.  Human culture was designed in 3-D to reflect and support nature so that diversity of talents were ‘caucused’ (Iroquois = ‘grouping of like-interests’) like tree-roots in the Production Societies.  Living together in multihome structures which provided for the privacy of the individual and family but as well enable intergenerational interaction as well minimized human consumption and impact on the environment.


When the Ploughshares, World-Resources-Institute & Ecological-Footprint groups make arms-production and consumption calculations, they don’t link the relationship between these or link exogenous agricultural antecedents of ecological & economic violence.  Canada’s role as the world’s leading mining, forestry and resource extractor per capita as raw materials aren’t linked to arms production.  Canada’s role as the world’s leading uranium miner, refiner and exporter is not entered into arms calculations, nor is the radioactive post-fission unstable supposedly ‘depleted-uranium’ used frequently on NATO bombshells, ammunition and missile points for tank and other protective cladding penetrating capacities.  Canadian sourced DU is leaving vast territories of mostly Islamic countries permanently radioactive and unlivable, yet no responsibility is linked.  Consequences of Canada’s uranium resource extraction and DU production crimes have super high negative co-efficients which must be factored in.

MINISTER OF WAR (translated form the Chinese by Arthur Waley, made popular by Joan Baez)

Minister of War, we are the king’s claws and fangs

Why should you roll us on from misery to misery,

giving us no place to stop in or take rest?

Minister of War, we are the king’s claws and teeth

Why should you roll us from misery to misery,

giving us no place to come and stay?

Minister of War, surely you are not wise

Why should you roll us from misery to misery?

We have mothers who lack food


Canada and the USA are like no other countries in the world having made genocide against First Nation indigenous peoples here and as conquerors to write the history books, which are read around the world with incredible distortion of the truth.  So few Canadians have learned from or read First Nation viewpoints (ethnohistory) so that colonial worldview is entirely based in false justification of violence as ‘progress’.  In fact what we call ‘progress’ is actually the creation of massive deficiency such as the world has never seen before the ‘exogenous’ period.  Given hierarchy in schools, churches, government and throughout civil society, truth and debate is suppressed, while these falsehoods are passed from generation to the next.

NDP Foreign Policy???  You-Tube video 1 minute 43 seconds  NATO No-fly-zone Libya Regime Change


