Contact: Douglas Jack douglasf.jack@gmail.com


February 2013, Yoka Hatha, Roberto Zuazo has published the first of his Jungle Boy series of 20 books, called The Boy Who Spoke to the Birds. These stories are a compilation of Roberto's cultural heritage.   I recently went to his book launch at Coop des bons voisins in Pointe-Claire village.

Roberto came to Canada 25 years ago as a refugee for threats against his life from his work as an indigenous representative exposing Brazil's massive Hydro, Mining, Logging & exploitation of resources from his Aymara-Jamamadi-Apurina people's territory along the Amazon. Here is an audio interview with Ryan Young on the Eco-librium program of CKUT FM 90.3.  I've known Roberto for seven years or so since meeting him with Algonquin elder William Commanda near Ottawa.  His  stories, of which I've read about eight, hold powerful teachings about life & consciousness, yet are as easy to understand as if meant for adolescents.  The stories are as powerful as the African Greek author Aesop's Fables.

Listen here to this Tuesday 19 February 2013 interview on Montreal FM radio CKUT of Aymara-Jamamadi-Apurina elder Roberto Zuazo for deeper sides of being human in a 3-D biosphere of intense bio-diversity.  Ryan Young's interview of Roberto starts about 8 minutes into the recording but you might as well enjoy the song 'Blowin in the wind' & other music.  http://archives.ckut.ca/128/20130219.11.00-12.00.mp3

Roberto's Boy who spoke to the Birds is being used as course curriculum in a number of classes at John Abbott College convened by English professor Ann Beer.

CKUT Eco-librium radio 90.3 FM talk show interview November 2011, 35 minutes long. http://archives.ckut.ca/64/20111122.11.00-12.00.mp3

Host Ryan Young's excellent interview with Roberto.  My perspective on Roberto's work after these over two years of reading his books, talking and visiting with each other is  that; he is speaking and writing to very common human issues in clear easy to understand language.  Average people can strongly identify with what Roberto is saying because he is constantly bringing the environment back to our understandings about family, personal focus and human relations.  Roberto is rare among environmental speakers and writers for clearly drawing the lines between these personal issues and environment.  Roberto's Jungle Boy series of books lay an easy to understand foundation for their readers about the intricacy of nature.  When the first of fifteen books (presently in electronic and paper form), 'The Boy Who Spoke to the Birds' is available published this January 2012 school session it will be of great interest to a wide audience.  I believe that CBC radio, family, community and social sciences and practitioners will be interested in hearing this 35 minute interview.  Ryan asks all the right questions with Roberto, which the greater part of the population are hungry to hear. 

HOUSE-of-DIALOGUE (Greek ‘dia’ = ‘across’ + ‘legein’ = ‘speak’ as well as ‘logos’ = ‘knowledge’)

This Friday 1st July, Jardins LaSalle ‘Dialogos', house of dialogue will open at 9662 Jean-Milot, LaSalle-Montreal, H8R 1X9 corner of rue Bergevin.  We’ve leased a townhouse with 1350 square feet divided between a basement and two floors as a home residence, the development of a community animation team for the purpose of animating community intergenerational multiple talents for livelihood and sustainability.  Our phone 514-365-9594 installed.  If you are interested in joining the work or being part of the residence, then please send an email.

BOTH-SIDES-NOW  https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/structure/1-both-sides-now-article

Both-Sides-Now, Recorded Equal Time Dialogues will chronicle the diverse and complementary visions we are each hold  Those of you who are interested in community economic development animation and relational economy might be interested to rent as part of the household or in another of the LaSalle-Garden’s community dwellings.  There are a number of families from Jardins LaSalle involved over many years and we hope to attract others who share this community spirit.  The property is owned by a private corporation Turret Realties.  Our Human Resource Catalogue approach is to work with communities and corporations to augment the strengths of both with added value.

LASALLE-GARDENS  https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/relational-economy/extending-our-welcome-participatory-multi-home-cohousing

Some of you are familiar with LaSalle-Gardens as 2000 people living in 700 apartments and 50 townhouses on a 33 acre property.  The Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation 1955 construction is a 1950s Olmstead inspired but sparsely achieved ‘garden-city’ concept of peripheral roads allowing for 1/3rd the number of streets in similar populations as in the rest of Montreal.  Where streets normally lie are park-lands on most sides of the buildings.  Some one hundred maples and pines were planted over the past 45 years today reaching 50 foot heights and a partial photosynthesis based cooling effect and absorption of snow and rains.  A group of 108 Habitations Loyer Modique HLM with 600 people on an adjacent 6 – 7 acre property just across rue des-Oblats form a continuous part of the neighbourhood.  These properties are bound by the Lachine Canal bike path south on St-Patrick, sunken Whiskey Trench 138 highway to the Mercier car bridge and the train tracks to the train bridge across to ‘Kahnawake’ (Mohawk means ‘on-the-rapids’) as well as the roads of Wanklyn (south) Clement (north), Bergevin (west), Jean-Milot (middle) and des-Oblats (east).


9662 Jean-Milot townhouse faces south along an east west string of townhouses with space for gardens on the south west and north sides.  Twenty-five trees have been planted nearby with Apple, Cherry, Pear, Plums (a couple of varieties), Crab-apple, Korean-pine-nut, Spruce (spring bud greens) and Maple (for maple sap and nuts).  Around the trees are planted grapes, blackberry, raspberry, currents, strawberry, lily, spearmint, peppermint, shallots, garlic, hollyhock, rhubarb, lambsquarter and other perennial gardens protected by the leaf canopy enjoy extended fall frost protection.  On the south-east corner of the property across train tracks lies a community garden (mostly annuals) extending all the way from Wanklyn street to the river 800 metres x 25 metres along Cherry Lane to LaSalle boulevard.  Two blocks east behind Clement school (adult-education) is a collective garden of 20 x 25 metres operated with Nutri-centre.


As many of you realise, permaculture requires long-term stewardship, belonging and community ownership in order for human culture and perennials to mature and produce within human nurturing, monitoring, harvest and pleasure.  Indigenous multihome (Longhouse, pueblo etc) traditions around the world provide individual and family privacy as well as autonomy.  Humans as social creatures require critical numbers interacting, working, recognising and living together in collective-intelligence to achieve sustainability.  Collective intelligence requires recognition of individual contributions, investment and stewardship through accounting and progressive ownership from youth to elder such as indigenous Production Societies represent and string-shell time-based accounting facilitated.


Indigene Community’s approach is to stimulate ‘economic’ (Greek ‘oikos’ = ‘home’ + ‘namein’ = ‘management’ from ‘manus’ = ‘hand’ or ‘care and nurture’) interaction among individual strengths through a Human Resource Catalogue posted on line on a website Bon Voisinage LaSalle-Heights Good Neighbourhood http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_197760453583931 with human resource time-based accounting among Founder, Worker, Supplier and Consumer stakeholders.  As residents interact domestically and benefit from each other’s ‘gifts’, form specialised teams of professional expertise, then energy and money are recirculated as a resource for community employment and ownership. The local e-Bay empowers, recycles and stimulates local business development.  2600 residents plus others who will become involved from the larger city and region represent some 22,500,000$ of earning and spending per year (low income) which can be even tripled within a Community Investment & Exchange  System https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/relational-economy


Some in the group envision:  Community kitchen/dining, orchard gardening, composting, green-house, food processing, Green Design technology, research and development, building-mounted linear axis wind, passive and active solar, ergonomic bicycles, Computer, bicycle, clothes, appliance repair specialists, Laundromats, Child-elder-handicapped-able-body mutual-aid care, investment, apprenticeship programs etc.  Visit various sections of Indigene Community website for details.

Douglas Jack Corporation du developpement durable, Communauté Indigene  douglas.jack@mail.mcgill.ca  www.indigenecommunity.info coordonnateur des projets, 9662 Jean-Milot, LaSalle (Kahnawake-Nord), Quebec, H8R 1X9, 514-365-9594

Participatory Intergenerational Cohousing Meetings for Montreal area residents

Hi all, 

COHOUSING MEETING 19h (7pm) TUESDAY 15TH FEBRUARY at Padua Center, 1950 St-Antoine West, Montreal, H3J 1A5 Metro George-Vanier

Salut à tous,

RÉUNION COHABITATION 19h (7pm) mardi 15 février au CENTRE PADUA, 1950 St. Antoine Ouest, Montréal, H3J 1A5, Metro George-Vanier

ENGLISH  You are invited.

Friday the 21st January at 19 - 21h (7 - 9pm) Indigene Community will have a meeting at 5685 Fullum, Suite 103, H2G 2H6, film office of Les Productions Rapides Blanc south of Holt street, north of Dandurand, east of Papineau by 8 blocks, west of Iberville by 2 blocks.  Access Metro Rosemont with bus 197 east to Ecores.  Thank you for your interests to participate in this cohousing project.  Our real estate agent Francine Boivin has found a range of properties / buildings, which can be transformed into multi-family housing.  Individual and Family privacy is sacred to us as well as opportunity for community exchange.  We’re collecting people with talents, skills, resources, capacities, goods, services, property and fidelity for a full intergenerational participatory community.  If you’re interested in coming please respond by email before the meeting so we will have a better idea of participants.  Bring your friends and colleagues.  There will be children as well.

Réunion pour résidents de Montréal, Cohabitation Inter-générationel Participative

FRANÇAIS  Vous êtes invité

Vendredi le 21 janvier à 19 - 21h (7 - 9pm) Communauté Indigène aura un réunion au 5685 Fullum, Suite 103 bureau, H2G 2H6, des Productions du filme Rapides Blanc, sud de la rue Holt, nord de la rue Dandurand, est de Papineau par 8 blocs et ouest d’Iberville 2 blocs.  Access Metro Rosemont avec bus 197 est à des Écores. Merci pour ton intérêt de participer au projet de cohabitation.  Notre agent d’immeuble Francine Boivin a trouvé un gamme des propriétés / édifices intéressants pour les logements multifamiliales.  La vie privé est sacré pour nous aussi que l’opportunité pour échanges.  Nous cherchons a ramasser les talents, habilités, ressources, capacités, bons, services, propriétés et fidélités d’un gamme communautaire des intervenants pour former un communauté intergénérationnelle et participative entre nous.  Si vous avez un intérêt de venir SVP répondre par courriel avant la réunion du vendredi le 21 janvier pour que nous aurons un meilleur idée des participants.  Amenez vos amis et collègues.  Il y aura des enfants aussi.

Those working on various aspects of Indigene Community are welcome to post events here.  We will be adding a calendar function so that events and reports can be viewed.

Thursday 26th August, 9-12h (am) a Semantic Wiki-Web Media Workshop for Indigene Community on indigenous knowledge in Tiohtiake the greater Montreal region by David Mason is being held at McGill University School of Urban Planning 4th floor, Room 410 in the MacDonald-Harrington (Architecture & SUP), 815 Sherbrooke West, Montreal corner of McGill College Avenue.  Deadline is Friday Aug. 20th for reserving a spot.  Contact douglas.jack@mail.mcgill.ca 

Wednesday 13th October, `17 - 19 (5 - 7pm) Home on the Range Land and Identity, Tiohtiake Mohawk Placename presentation at 1395 Rene Levesque West corner of Crescent Street, Lucien l'Allier Metro with Roy Tekastiaks Wright, Mohawk-Abenaki Ethnohistorian and Douglas Jack.  For further details see PDF attachment below.  Small foods will be served.


Comité d'entraide au Jardins LaSalle  dimanche le 30 octobre 2011 15 - 17h au Maison du dialogue, 9662 Jean-Milot, LaSalle-Montreal, Quebec H8R 1X9 Canada  English text follows

Procès Verbal,


Melek Kaniyolu, Consultant en immigration, Ingris Zepeda, Traductrice, Elder Zepeda, Cinémographe, Schubert Maignon, Statisticien, Sami Fallemine, ingenieur électronique, Damase Gauthier, Maitre Électricien, Jardinière Rebecca O'Kill, Éducateur à domicile et nutrition, Dan Kielback, étudiant, Géographe, Cinémographe, Cartographe, Kiril Dolgih, télécommunication, conservation de la faune, Adrian O'Kill-Jack, fabricateur des arcs et fleches, Douglas Jack, Conception écologique.


Aujourd'hui dimanche le 30e octobre au Maison du dialogue, onze personnes sont venues pour un réunion au sujet d'établissement d'un Catalogue des ressources humaines pour Jardins LaSalle et alentours  Nous avons un rendez-vous avec le bureau de la mairesse, urbanisme et les groupes sociale et environnementale de LaSalle jeudi le 10 novembre 14h à l'hôtel de ville de LaSalle.  Les personnes qui sont venus représentent un tranche des ages 11 à 74, 3 femmes, 8 hommes, sept nationalités, ingénieurs, maitre-électricien, spécialiste en immigration, géographe, traducteurs, statisticien, cinématographe, télécommunication, éducation à domicile et nutrition, jardiniers, éducateur spécialisé, concepteur écologique, fabricateur des arcs et flèches. Nous avons parlé pour deux heures en partageons nos habilités pour les présenter jeudi le 10 novembre à 14h.   Les individus sont bien connecté au communautés et langages: Anglaise, Française, Espagnol, Russe, Nord Africaine, Turque, Guatémalien, et plus.  Nous avons parlé entre 14h, 14h30 l'heure de réunion attendu, 15h l'heure commencé au 17 heure.


Nos taches prioritaire sont de rassemblé les descriptions des habilités individus, affaires, produits et services offert que nous pouvons présenté un pétite version du Catalogue au bureau de mairesse, urbanisme et les autres organismes sociales et environnementales attendu le 10 novembre.  SVP m'envoyer les descriptions des services et biens que vous voulez offrir sur le site web du Catalogue des ressources humaines.  Tous qui était présent et eux qui sont intéressé sont bienvenue pour envoyer un description et de venir le 10.  Eux qui veulent partager en c/c ouvert leurs courriels au groupe pour l'échange doit m'informé.


Le nature de la Catalogue et Comité d'entraide des jardins LaSalle présentement adjoint avec Communauté Indigène un chapitre du la Corporation du développement durable, un corporation à but-non-lucratif OBNL Canadien depuis 1994 était discuté.  Référence était fait au traditions indigènes du monde avec leurs Sociétés de production, logements multi-familales (pareil aux appartements et maisons-de-ville) et autres aspects intégrale de ces services essentiels.  Le lien étymologique entre partager et part-sociales.  L'institute de Développement communautaire basé sur les atouts ABCD et autres OBNL qui organise autour les forces.  Comment les contributions des forces reconnus et motivé par les 'ratios' aussi que la mis en 'caucus' (Iroquois = 'regroupement des intérêts en commun) des forces en Sociétés de production spécialisé, vote par 'ratios' etc dans la chartre du Communauté Indigène et la Corporation du développement durable.


Les provisions dans la loi pour comptabilité des contributions 'ratable' et représentation de ces 'prêts' en temps, biens, services, propriété etc comme 'ratios' était discuté.  Nous considérons la différance entre la norme des OBNL basé sur les déficits des clients et citoyens (besoins, veux, déficiences, pauvreté, analphabète etc)  et les OBNL basé sur les 'forces' (habilités, talents, biens, services, affaires, éducation, rêves, capacités, réseaux etc.) pour les services éssentiels.  Comment les forces communautaire facilitent un fondation durable pour approvisionnement des besoins.  Un comparaison de la levé des fonds OBNL force ou déficit.


Appartenance progressif OBNL est pareil aux corporations pour-profit comme les Keiretsu (eg Toyota) du Japon, Chaebol (eg. Daewoo Motors) du Korée, Économie Associative de l'Europe et Produits forestiers Tembec, Acier Dofasco, Pâte a dent Toms du Maine, Ben & Jerry's crème glacé et autre qui utilisent la comptabilité des ressources humaine en temps.


Un nouvelle participant, en consideration d'adhesion à l'organisme, a monté un discussion sur l'option d'établir un Conseil d'administration séparé pour le comité d'entraide Jardins-LaSalle en adjoint ou distingué de la présent Communauté Indigène et Corporation du développement durable.  Considérant que cet participant n'est pas au courant de la constitution existant, il est suggéré de faire revue des statuts existant (en ligne sur www.indigenecommunity.info et à faire comme membre les propositions clair, facilité un processus de discussion, arrangé un horaire, proposé contenu, proposé un structure décisionnel et réussi un accorde corporative.  Ces questions sont considéré étape par étape dans le constitution présent.  Notre contrat socio-économique est toujours ouvert au transformations de la groupe.  Par exemple dans la constitution, tous le monde-membre peuvent demandé Les Deux Côtés Ensembles, un dialogue raccordé à temps égale en recherche ou résolution des conflits.  C'est un droit dialectique pour tous les membres participants.


Présentement tous les courriels des correspondants sont considéré confidentiel bcc.  Si vous voulez partager votre courriel copie ouvert c/c donnez moi l'autorité dans un courriel spécifique.



LaSalle Gardens Mutual Aid Committee,  Sunday 30th October, 2011 15 - 17 h, House of Dialogue, 9662 Jean-Milot, LaSalle-Montreal, Quebec H8R 1X9  Francaise en haute



Melek Kaniyolu, Immigration Consultant, Ingris Zepeda, Translator, Elder Zepeda, Cinematographer, Schubert Maignon, Statistician, Sami Fallemine, Electronic Engineer, Damase Gauthier, Master Electrician, Community garden organiser, Rebecca O'Kill, Home schooling and nutrition, Dan Kielback, student, Geographer, Cinematographer, Geographic Information System mapper, Kiril Dolgih, telecommunication, Wildlife Conservationist, Adrian O'Kill-Jack, bow and arrow maker, Douglas Jack, Ecological / Elemental Design


Today eleven LaSalle-gardens people came to a meeting at the House of Dialogue representing a good cross-section of age 11 - 74, 3 women, 8 men, seven nationalities, engineers, master electrician, immigration specialist, geographer, translators, statistician, cinematographer, telecommunications, homeschooling and nutrition, gardeners, special educator, ecological designer, bow and arrow maker (Adrian).  We talked for a couple of hours sharing our skills and getting ready our presentations for LaSalle–City on Thursday the 10th November at 14h.  Folks in general were in agreement with the Human Resource Catalogue, strength based approach and progressive ownership based on contributions.  The individuals are well networked into the North African, Turkish, French, English, Haitian, Guatemalan, Spanish, Russian and other communities.  We talked from 14h, 14h30 scheduled meeting time, 15h actual starting time until 17h.


Our priority task is to collect skill descriptions from individuals, business, products and services presently offered which represent a small version of the waited-for catalogue in order to present these to the mayor's office on the 10th November.  SVP send to this email address, descriptions of services and goods which you wish to offer on the website of the Human Resource Catalogue.  All those present and those interested are welcome to send in a description and to attend the 10th.


The nature of the Catalogue project and the LaSalle-Gardens Mutual Aid organization presently as part of Indigene Community, a chapter of the Sustainable Development Corporation, a Canadian Non-Profit corporation since 1994 were discussed.  Reference was made to Indigenous traditions around the world in Production Societies, Multi-home living (apartment and townhouse-like) and other integrated aspects of these essential service economies.  The etymology link between sharing and corporate 'social-shares'.   The Asset Based Community Development ABCD Institute and other non-profit organizations using strength based approaches were considered.  How strength based contribution, recognition and motivation translates into 'ratios' was discussed along with the 'caucusing' (Iroquois = 'grouping of like-interests) of strengths into specialized Production Societies, voting by ratios in these  were considered under the present Indigene Community and Sustainable Development Corporation charter.


Non-Profit law provision for 'rateable' contributions and the representation of these 'loans' of time, money, goods, services, property etc. to the group as 'ratios' were discussed.  We considered the difference between typical 'deficit' based (needs, wants, deficiencies, poverty, illiteracy etc) based non-profits and 'strength' based (skills, talents, goods, services, businesses, education, dreams, capacities, networks etc) essential service oriented non-profits.   How community strengths provide a foundation for sustainably meeting needs was presented and discussed.  A comparison of deficit and strength non-profit funding.


Participatory progressive ownership for-profit corporations is similar to such advanced For-Profit corporations as the Keiretsu (eg,Toyota) of Japan, the Chaebol (eg. Daewoo Motors) of Korea, Associative Economics of Europe and such as Tembec Forest Products, Dofasco Steel, Tom's of Maine Toothpaste, Ben & Jerry's Icecream and other for profit corporations using forms of Time-based human resource accounting. 


A new participant considering membership, raised a discussion on the option of establishing a separate Board of Directors for LaSalle-Garden's Mutual Aid Committee, as part of or distinct from Indigene Community or the Sustainable Development Corporation?  As this participant was unfamiliar with the present constitution it is advisable that he review the present incorporation statutes available on www.indigenecommunity.info  and as a member to make clear propositions, arrange discussions, schedule, content and decision-making structure and achieve corporate assent in order to achieve this.  Such questions are considered step by step under the present constitution as our social-economic contract is always open to group transformation.  As an example of the many options included in the present constitution is for Both Sides Now Equal Time Recorded Dialogues  for research or as a fair dispute resolution technique and dialectic right for all member participants.


Presently emails are confidential as bcc.  Those who wish to openly share their emails in c/c open email with the group for exchanges should inform me.

Douglas Jack, coordonnateur, Jardins-LaSalle-Gardens Maison de/House of Dialogue, 9662 Jean-Milot, LaSalle-Montreal H8R 1X9, 514-365-9594 www.indigenecommunity.info  douglasjack@indigenecommunity.info

Sustainable Development Corporation is a Canadian non-profit since 1994, dedicated to the promotion of Ecological Design, which includes Environmental (with our world), Elemental (integrating 1)Air, 2) Water, 3) Earth states of gaseous, liquid and solid matter, 4) Energy in solar, fire etc and Life both vegetable and animal, Ergonomic design with the human body, 'Economic' from the Greek = 'care and nurture of the home and family'.  Our programs are designed to support each other in

livelihood (food, shelter, clothing, warmth and health) during the process of making a living.  Supporting people and processes are key to reaching our goals together.