3)Sharing Livelihood CONSTITUTION

Indigene Sharing our Livelihood with Community Ecological Economic Participation is a set of bylaws forming a constitution based in four multistakeholder participatory economic roles in developing livelihood and nurturing sustainable community as well as ecological capacities in the 'indigenous' (Latin = 'self-generating') integrated tradition.  The stakeholders include Founders (Fund), Workers, Suppliers and Consumers who form the natural economic cycle of creation, transformation, provision and consumption of livelihood goods and services within commercial, industrial and domestic economies.  In our existing commercial/industrial led economy these stakeholders are treated separately as having competing interests, whereas in domestic-led economy with commerce-industry as subsets, stakeholders as considered as complementary contributors to the whole.  Through formal accounting, recognition and empowerment of stakeholder contribution roles in corporate board structures and progressive ownership of each stakeholder, communication and collaboration is enabled.  Communities through recognition of citizen livelihood capacities are thus able to animate local resources and sovereignty.  Human Resource Time-based Accounting modules for each of these stakeholder contributions provides recognition.  Time is a universal human common-denominator.

**O.E. freo "free, exempt from, not in bondage," also "noble; joyful," from P.Gmc. *frijaz (cf. O.Fris. fri, O.S., O.H.G. vri, Ger. frei, Du. vrij, Goth. freis"free"), from PIE *prijos "dear, beloved," from base *pri- "to love" (cf. Skt. priyah "own, dear, beloved," priyate "loves;" O.C.S. prijati "to help,"prijatelji "friend;" Welsh rhydd "free"). The adverb is from O.E. freon, freogan "to free, love." 

While both monetary capital based 1. industry and commercial companies / corporations and 2. cooperatives arose from integrated Indigenous Production Society multi-stakeholder time-based accounting progressive ownership, these dissociative fragments have misplaced priorities and created dysfunctional perversions which make our present economy and society unsustainable and 'exogenous' (Latin = 'other-generated').  This dysfunction is akin to a computer virus, perverting the operating system so that contributions are fruitless.  In 'cybernetic' ('steersman') computer language, if a virus enters a system, then we reset the computer operating system clock back to a time when the operating system was functional for user well-being.  In the tradition of Participatory companies of the world and 'indigenous' (Latin = 'self-generating') nations, Sharing our Livelihood is a sustainable model for reintegration and economic livelihood well-being.

INDIGENE SHARING LIVELIHO...conomic Participation.doc