



Biofuels in Motion: Information, Motivation and Conversion strategies for biofuels

with consideration of the special regional structures

The Romanian team

Romanian partner project director:

Prof. univ. dr. Victor Popescu

Coordinator of Biomotion Tour Romania and of the project's activities:

Conf. Dr. Liliana Tudoreanu

Participants to the Biomotion project:

Prof. dr. Florin Stanica

Pprof. univ. dr. Stefan Diaconescu

Conf. dr. Mario Codreanu

Conf. dr. Elena Mitranescu

Ec. Iona Bragadireanu

Project assistants:

Ing. Lavinia Dumitrean

ing. Laura Pop

ing. Andrei Hrestic

The central objectives of the project are to increase use, knowledge and acceptance of biofuels by information, motivation, cluster building and supporting regional implementation strategies for biofuels. There are large differences in the EU in the extent to which biofuels are produced and used. On the other hand, there are very good opportunities, particularly for rural areas, to establish sustainable value-added biofuel chains ‘from field to tank’. The main obstacles are a lack of awareness and insufficient knowledge.

BioMotion contains specific knowledge transfers by:

- a transnational cluster

- 7 new Biofuel Information Centres

- a motivation and PR action (BioMotion tour).

- regional examples of exceptional best practice projects (beacons).

Information about biofuels (both technical and financial) will be provided by newsletters, flyers, brochures, a website and press articles and will be supported by workshops, conferences and special campaigns.

The overall aim of the project is to increase the use of biofuels in the partner regions. It is only through a more effective information and motivation strategy that the biofuel market can be built up. It is here that the BioMotion project will have an impact.

Strategic objectives:

The project will

- support the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (Kyoto)

- speed up implementation of the targets of the EU biomass action plan (2005)

- strengthen the sustainable development of rural areas and show that biofuels can be an economic

and sustainable integral part of rural development.


The project will

- bring together and enlarge transnational and regional knowledge on the use of biofuels.

- implement a knowledge platform in the regions involving key stakeholders

- support value-added biofuel chains

- remove barriers to markets through cooperative actions with biofuel producers, traders, filling station operators and users.