2013 International workshop

The International Conference of the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest

"Agriculture for Life, Life for Agriculture"

June 5 - 8, 2013, Bucharest, Romania


International Workshop

"Environment and Food Quality and the Well-being of Humans and Animals"

Background to the workshop Under the frame of Environmental sciences - the science of the total food chain, the workshop is an interdisciplinary approach to environment and food quality issues . The last decades brought into light the strong link between environment and food quality as well as the link between animal welfare and food quality.

It is more evident than ever that the quality of the environment plays a crucial role in the well-being of humans and animals. Food quality implies among other characteristics the nutritional value and textural properties of food commodities and both of them are influenced by the quality of the environment.

The purpose of the workshop

The purpose of the workshop was to bring together a variety of researcher working in the areas of environmental and food sciences to discuss about the opportunity to form an interdisciplinary research group/cluster to cover activities from research to market with a new focus on innovation-related activities, such as piloting, demonstration, test-beds, and support for public procurement and market uptake.

Objectives of the workshop:

- to identify the main research areas of common interest

-to find common areas of interest for future research projects

-to form a multidisciplinary structure for future networking, research and educational projects

-to initiate a series of workshops and seminars

Number of persons attending: 21

Workshop facilitator: Liliana Tudoreanu

Workshop presenters:

1)Jesus Simal-Gándara. Multivariate statistical techniques for the analysis of instrumental and sensorial datasets: the case of aromas and their perception in wines. University of Vigo– Spain;

2) John Oldham. The Animal Task Force – linking researchers and industry for innovation in the EU livestock sector. Scottish Agricultural College, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK; .

3) Marisanna SPERONI, Does welfare of dairy cows affect quality of milk and dairy products? -Centro diRicerca per le Produzioni Foraggere e Lattiero-Casearie, Cremona – Italy;

4) Bela KOVÁCS, Effect of selenium and molybdenum content in rhizoboxes on element uptake of maize and sunflower – University of Debrecen, Hungary;

5) Maria J. Oruna-Concha. Processing on the beneficial health effects of cocoa.—University of Reeding -United Kingdom;

6 )Ana Agrasar Valorization of cheese sera sub-products for obtaining bioactive components.- University of Vigo. Spain ;

7) Ionelia TARANU: Zearalenone, a natural feed and food contaminant caused severe alterations of hepatic immune defense in pig.– IBNA-Romania;

8) Daniela MARIN: Effect of Mycotoxins on domestic animal health.—IBNA-Romania;

9) Radu Burlacu: Testing and evaluating the mathematical models applied in life sciences; University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Bucharest;

10) Liliana Tudoreanu : Mineral balance in food - a food quality, animal welfare and environmental issue. University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest.

Workshop’s outcomes:


- The aim of the BY-PRODUCTS CLUSTER is to support innovation and develop best solutions responding to social needs in the area of ENVIRONMENTAL FRIENDLY AGROFOOD BYPRODUCTS by developing activities from research to market.

The future activities of the cluster were identified to be networking projects, students exchange between institutions laboratories, workshops/seminars, international research projects, initial training networks and staff exchange schemes.