In 2016 the research activity of undergraduate students was directed mainly to identify the influence of feeding systems and preparation methods on textural propertie and mineral content of poultry meat and organs.

The research results were presented during the international e-conference on Food Texture and Rheology supported by ISEKI - Food Association. To view students' presentations during the econferece clik here

The "Book of abstracts" of the conference is also available.

The results of the following disertations were presented during the e-conference:

Raluca Tarlungeanu - Studiul influentei furajarii si prepararii (convectiv, conductiv si dielectric) asupra parametrilor texturali ai musculaturii Hibrid ROSS 308

Oana Iuliana Pascanu - Studiul influentei furajarii si prepararii (convectiv, conductiv si dielectric) asupra parametrilor texturali ai organelor de pui Hibrid ROSS 308

Denisa Irina Dragan - Studiul prin metode instrumentale si senzoriale ale proprietatilor texturale ale branzei telemea provenita din fermele de tip familial

Two other disertation were also compleated this year:

Paula Andreea Merisan - Studiul continutului mineral al organelor de pui preparate termic si prin microunde prin analiza ICP-OES

Loredana- Adriana Mihai - Studiul continutului mineral al apei potabile imbuteliate utilizand metoda ICP-OES