Since 2007, CEPA and veterinary medicine undergraduate students of the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest have the opportunity to develop their research for the graduation dissertation within the HEVMETFOOD laboratory .

Incepand cu anul 2007 studentii specializarii CEPA si Medicina Veterinara din cadrul Universitatii de Stiinte Agronomice si Medicina Veterinara Bucuresti au putut sa aleaga sa isi desfasoare integral activitatile de cercetare destinate efectuarii lucrarii de diploma/licenta in cadrul laboratorului interdisciplinar HEVMETFOOD.

The graduation dissertations which have been developed within the laboratory are presented below.

The students were advised to write a brief description of their work in Romanian and English, however not all of them have decided to do so.

This webpage contains also the brief description of the research works which were provided by their authors (see below).

Mai jos sunt prezentate doar lucrarile de diploma si licenta care au fost desfasurate integral in cadrul laboratorului interdisciplinar.

Studentii au fost indrumati sa realizeze rezumate ale lucrarilor lor atat in limba romana cat si in engleza, dar nu toti au dat curs acestei initiative. Pentru acele licente care contin aceste rezumate ele sunt disponibile in cadrul acestei pagini (textul rezumatelor cercetarilor apartine autorilor lucrarilor de diploma).