New Basic Training?

Post date: Nov 11, 2011 8:43:35 AM

(Original Date: Wednesday, March 17, 2010)

Just read an interesting article about how the army plans on making the first major changes to basic combat training in 30 years. I knew the army and big government in general seem slow to change, but this seems very slow. I guess if you have a tried and true method, it does not require much change. From what the article states they will drop bayonets and the five-mile run and work on more core strength and short sprints. I was actually looking forward to the bayonet training (stab stab stab…kill kill kill ha ha), but definitely not the five-mile run. I’m trying to think of this as having my own free personal trainer and I will get paid to work out. Ha! One quote in the article states “Trainers also want to toughen recruits who are often more familiar with Facebook than fistfights.” (That sounds like me)

It will be interesting to see how all this plays out. The article doesn’t give an actual date. It does state that it has been implemented at Ft. Jackson and is being expanded this month at the Army’s four other basic training installations (this includes Ft. Benning where I am heading). So in theory this will be in place when I start, we’ll see since I’ll be shipping out in a couple of weeks.

Here is the link to the original story: