More CPN - Day 105

Post date: Nov 25, 2011 9:29:09 AM

A photo (I found on the internet) of what we are actually working on in CPN (Command Post Node) class. As you can see each unit is mobile and contains either networking equipment or a UPS.

(Original Date: Thursday, September 30, 2010)

This morning we had PT, but for some reason we didn’t have Sgt. Kent with us. We did an AGR (Ability Group Run) again. I’m not sure if everyone was feeling slow today or if it was because Sgt. Kent was gone, but the size of C group more than tripled from last Monday. We had 19 people in our group. It was still the smallest out of all the groups, but much bigger than the 5 we had last Monday. My legs felt like lead weights today. Not sure why, but I had a hard time running. I guess not as hard as one of the sergeants who ran with us, he ended up falling out of C group which is unheard of. (He did say he ate too much at Golden Corral last

CPN today was tough to stay awake, I think everyone was falling asleep at one point because the instructor ended up making everyone in class stand up. I think it’s a combination of comfy chairs, a boring subject, and a very boring instructor which makes it tough to keep our eyes open.

Later on in the day we did have a lab exercise where we programmed our call centers on our computers and then plugged in usb headsets to our computers and made calls to each other. That was a little easier to stay awake because we were actually doing something hands on.

The rest of the day consisted of hanging out and taking a nap at the IET center, eating at the RFAC, then hanging out at the library until the formation for RBK finally arrived.

Overheard Quote: “You look like a giant penis” (This was actually said to Pvt. Celtic twice after he shaved his head)