4-Day Weekend Wrap-Up - Days 114-117

Post date: Nov 26, 2011 5:47:41 AM

(Original Date: Tuesday, October 12, 2010)

Operation Surprise Visit was a total success, but let me start from the beginning. We had a 4 day weekend to celebrate Columbus Day and it turned out to be a hectic, but fun filled weekend for me.

Friday: Student leadership woke everyone up at 5:00 AM this morning so everyone could get themselves ready and then straighten up their stuff before the inspection at 6:00 AM. There were no showers allowed until after the inspection, so they would stay clean. There were also a number of urinals and sinks in the bathroom blocked off and the laundry room was also off limits all night and this morning.

Sgt. Kent arrived and started the barracks and room inspections. It took a while because our room is the last one in the hall. When he finally got to ours he came in looked around and said “it shows that you guys put in a lot of effort in this room”, then he took off.

We then got everything ready and those of us on pass marched over to Charlie company to get signed out for the 4-day. The line was long and slow moving, so PFC Metal and I walked over to Burger King because the DFAC was closed already. Technically we were allowed to go earlier, but if Sgt. Clark came to inspect our room and we weren’t there it wasn’t going to get done and we would not get our pass to leave. We ate and then headed back to Charlie and there was still a line, so we got in it and waited. Finally after about 15 minutes we signed out and were free of this place. PFC Metal took off with his wife and I took off in a cab to the airport.

For the last month or so my wife and I have been planning a trip for me to go home and visit everyone. We kept it a total secret and now I finally get to put it into action.

When I arrived at the Augusta airport I sat and started watching shows on my laptop. I had a while before my plane left, but I just wanted to get away from the base as soon as possible. After a while I heard an announcement that they had overbooked the flight before mine and my flight as well. I had a flight to Seattle via Atlanta and then Denver. I told the guy as long as I can make my connecting flights I would be interested. They ended up sending me to Atlanta on a taxi, giving me a meal voucher good at the Atlanta airport, getting me on a direct flight from Atlanta to Seattle (arriving only an hour later), and $400 (delta dollars) to use via delta.com.

So far the weekend has been pretty good! On the plane I watched “Get Him to the Greek” a pretty funny show as well as some TV episodes that I was behind on. My wife met me at the airport and we stayed in a hotel nearby because we knew I would be arriving late.

Saturday: My wife dropped me off at Denny’s and then picked up the kids. She asked them where they wanted to eat breakfast and they chose Denny’s of course. They walked in and were in shock to see me sitting there waiting for them.

We all then went to my sister’s house and they dropped me off a couple of blocks away. They all went inside and then I came up later and rang the doorbell. My mom opened the door and before she even recognized who I was, I came in and gave her a hug. She was surprised (I think I almost gave her a heart attack). I then surprised my sister and her husband later on by just appearing in their house.

Sunday: Today is my sister’s 30th birthday. My mom invited all of the family over, so it really worked out easy for me to celebrate my sister’s birthday and also see all of my extended family as well.

The flight home was tough, I didn’t want to leave so soon (I had an early 6:00AM flight on Monday morning). It was awesome seeing everyone, I just wish I had a longer time to visit. On the plane ride back I fell asleep numerous times and every time I woke up my mouth was wide open....lol.

The 4-day weekend was so awesome...and very much needed.

Overheard Quote: “Oh Sheeet Oh Sheeet, I’m sorry, I’m sorry” I guy in another cab left the door open and the driver started driving off.