Laundry Day - Day 45

Post date: Nov 22, 2011 12:52:50 AM

(Original Date: Sunday, August 1, 2010)

The morning formation was a bit longer than usual. I guess the Lt. Colonel and the Command Sergeant Major are coming to visit at some point today, so the sergeant said we had to make sure everything was cleaned well. Each squad in our formation took on a part of the building to clean. It didn't take too long because everything is pretty much maintained as we go.

It's Saturday…laundry day. I did my laundry which by this time of the week I have a full laundry bag and I take up two machines. It's so nice to be able to do laundry whenever I want. I take this time to also do my homework. Our teacher keeps us pretty busy with stuff to do.

Walked over to the Charlie DFAC with the young hawaiian and we found out that there were no mass phase backs like last weekend. That is good news. There were a number of nervous people in Charlie yesterday.

After lunch I was able to video chat with my wife and kids. That is always nice, but I sure wish we had faster internet here. It would make the whole experience a little better. The internet here is only decent on the best of days and slower than dial-up on the worst of days.

PFC Metal and his wife invited me to go off base with them for dinner. We ate at PF Changs (an awesome chinese restaurant). It is nice to get off base and really nice to eat some good food. Don't get me wrong…I actually like the DFAC food here. The food is not bad for cafeteria food, but when you go out to a real restaurant and eat there is a huge difference in quality. It was freakin' awesome.

We were entertained on the drive back to the base with a thunder and lightning storm. It seemed like the Georgia sky had strobe lights on…pretty crazy!